The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,47

and pursed out her lips. “If I have, what are you going to do about it?”

Stefan snickered, and he began playing with the strings of Delmare’s corset. Bleck. I was over them already.

Ethan wasn’t paying attention. He was giving the worst death glare to Finlay, who was doing his best to ignore him.

I rolled my eyes and pressed myself closer to Finlay. “Do you mind? We’re a bit busy.”

Ethan’s teeth gnashed. “I didn’t know you were with someone.”

“Well, I am,” I growled. “And I’d very much appreciate it if you’d go away.”

Ethan’s eyes narrowed. “There are easier ways to get back at me than prancing around in that… thing.”

Triumph. He didn’t like my dress. A victorious smile spread across my face. “I hardly wore it for you.”

Ethan gave a noise that sounded like a growl. “I can’t believe you. Emma, this is ridiculous. Come home with me, and we’ll talk this out.”

“Leave the lady alone,” Finlay said. “No harm done here.”

Ethan’s eyes flashed red at Finlay’s words, and I felt a hollowness grow within my throat. The leshane was still inside Ethan. If he lost control, the demon would overpower him, and he’d hurt everyone at this party… not to mention expose that he was possessed.

I had to play babysitter and calm him down. “Finlay, would you excuse me for a moment?”

“Certainly.” Finlay stepped back as I grabbed Ethan’s hand. I yanked him across the party and into a deserted hallway. The anger rolled off Ethan in waves, but with a glance backward, I saw the satisfied look on his face. He was ecstatic he’d gotten me away from Finlay.

Screw him. I’d show him I wasn’t a piece of meat for him to fight over. I let go of his hand immediately once we were alone. “Is it your job to ruin my fun? Or are you just good at it?”

I wasn’t getting off to a great start in calming him down, but I didn’t care. I was so frustrated with Ethan right now I almost wanted the demon to take over, just so I could give the leshane a big punch to the mouth.

Ethan’s jaw worked. “I didn’t know I made you that miserable.”

“Why are you here? You fucking hate parties,” I snapped. “This isn’t your scene.”

“Stefan insisted I needed some cheering up,” he shot back. “But clearly he brought me here to torture me, as the first thing I saw was you dancing with some other shifter in your underwear.”

“You’re a jealous bastard.” I ran a hand angrily through my curls. “In case you haven’t noticed, we’re not together anymore. I can date whoever I like, kiss whoever I like, hell, I can fuck whoever I like, and you’re not going to do a damn thing about it.”

He really didn’t like that. Ethan’s whole body tensed, and for a second, I worried the demon inside of him would come out.

But he managed to maintain control, and by that, I was impressed. “You’re single. You can do what you want. I’m not going to stop you.”

It was nice he wasn’t being possessive… but at the same time, my heart dropped a little. Ethan cared, but not enough to beg for me back. He was still allowing this demon to stand between us.

I put a hand on my hip. “Didn’t know I had to get approval from you to live my life.”

“You don’t!” Ethan flung a hand up in the air. “Gods, Emma. I don’t understand you. It’s like you still doubt I want you.”

“Doubt? Of course I doubt! If you wanted me, you’d fight for me!” I put my hands on his shoulders and shoved him back. “But you didn’t. You left me alone to rot. Excuse me if I want some other guy to come pick up the pieces.”

“You broke up with me!” he hissed.

“Not by choice! You forced my hand! So sue me if I try to get attention somewhere else.”

I turned my back on him and went to walk away, but Ethan grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

My back hit the wall as Ethan’s arms enclosed around me. He leaned in. I could feel his breath skim across my skin as he spoke.

“Do you understand what that dress does to me?” he growled. “Seeing you dressed like that, in another man’s arms… it’s driving me insane.”

Ethan drew closer, and his hips pressed against my bare leg. I got a thrill when I noticed his pulsing erection straining through his pants, skimming against my thigh.

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