The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,46

best friend and my sister when I’m not here.” Arthur gave a laugh, but it was a little forced. Vara stroked his back and gave him a smile.

“Lighten up,” I said. “This is my last big night out before the skating competition. I’m just here to have fun, not get into trouble.”

“I don’t know about all that,” Delmare said as she sipped at her beer. “Trouble usually finds you.”

Arthur smirked. “Just don’t get too crazy.”

“No promises.” The girls and I left my brother and Vara at the drink table as we crossed to the dance floor. Ozzie and Jasper were there— Jasper was at the DJ table, spinning disks, while Ozzie was shaking his butt to the music.

“Hey, Emma!” Ozzie sang as I came near. “I’ve missed you sooooo much. I’m so excited to see that bushy red head of yours!”

He made no mention of the dress. Ozzie jived to the music in an awkward way. As he did so, a couple of people lining the wall pointed and laughed. Jasper sent them a death glare, but it did nothing to silence the taunts.

Ozzie didn’t notice. I didn’t like how people were laughing at him. It was beyond mean. I drank down my wine and tossed the cup away before I held out my hand to him. “Ozzie, want to dance?”

“Yes!” Ozzie took my hands in his and jumped up and down like a little kid. I giggled and danced with him. He nearly pulled me down as he lost his footing a few times and fell over.

As I was dancing, a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind. Finlay had returned. I was keenly aware of his muscular body pressing into mine.

“I hope I’m not intruding,” Finlay teased.

“Not at all.” I slung my arms around his shoulders, and we began swaying back and forth in unison. The girls watched me as I pressed my breasts to Finlay’s front. His brown curls fell into his eyes, and hot damn, it was sexy. In the lowness of the lights, everything seemed possible.

“I’m glad you came,” Finlay said. “This party would’ve been boring without you.”

“I thought it was time to live a little,” I said. I pressed myself closer to Finlay, and he took it as an opportunity to put his hand on my thigh, right beneath the hem of my dress. I didn’t mind at all.

Finlay smiled. “You have a way of attracting attention, I can give you that.”

“There’s more where that came from.” I dared to wrap my leg around Finlay and inch it up his hip, just slightly. At first, he seemed excited by the gesture.

Then Finlay paused. He drew away from me for a moment. “I’m sorry. I like you, but this is hard.”

In his eyes I could see echoes of his mate. I’d gone too far. I retreated, and kept our bodies at a comfortable distance. “I understand. I want you to be ready.”

“Let’s just enjoy the night.” Finlay spun me around before he dipped me into his arms. “No promises.”

I liked that. I’d never hung out with a guy before without having any expectations. With Ethan and I, there were always assumptions about how our relationship would go, and trying to live up to them was exhausting. With Finlay, I was completely free to choose what I wanted. It was a welcome break.

As I was dancing with Finlay, I caught sight of two familiar figures near the drink table. My mood soured. Of course Stefan was here. He was popular, and friends with everybody. But why did he have to drag Ethan along?

Ethan’s eyes locked on me, and he did a double take. His mouth dropped to the damn floor as his eyes roved my revealing outfit. Then his eyes flashed to Finlay, whose arms were wrapped around me. Ethan’s shoulders shook— like they did when he was about to change.

I felt a justified sense of revenge as his smoldering gaze met mine. Ethan’s fists were clenched so tightly his fingers were going white. He was totally pissed I was in another guy’s arms, and I. Loved. It.

Stefan noticed me and my friends. His eyes grew wide at my dress, but he ripped his gaze away and set his sights at Delmare. The smile that crept across his face told me he loved her corset.

“Hello, babycakes,” Stefan purred when he came near. He wrapped an arm around Delmare’s waist and yanked her close. “You look like you’ve been a very bad girl.”

Delmare raised an eyebrow Copyright 2016 - 2024