The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,28

to discuss Odette’s new powers and ideas on how we could use it to find the Crystals.

As I walked, a sense of unease began to strangle any bit of normalcy. Something felt… off. Like I was being suffocated. I couldn’t place what, but when I paid attention to my instincts, my emotions were screaming at me to do something. About what, I wasn’t sure.

I increased my steps and walked faster, though that didn’t help to stop the senseless terror in my gut. Even taking several deep breaths didn’t ease the weight that was on my chest. What was going on?

It was pretty quiet up here in the dormitories. It was a nice day, so most people were outside enjoying the last few rays of sunshine, before fall came rampaging in with all its glory and turned Malovia from summer to winter overnight.

A couple of the boys were already in the Rec Room down the hall from the dormitories. I waved to Alexei and Stefan as I approached the open area.

I always felt a twisting in my gut whenever I passed Ethan’s room— but this time, it was different. When I walked by, I heard an audible sound, like wood breaking. There was a crash, a cry of pain.

It sounded like Ethan had fallen. My heart stopped. Perhaps he might’ve tripped. It’s nothing, I thought, but my instincts were demanding that it wasn’t.

I put my hand on the doorknob. When I opened the door, I couldn’t help but let out a scream.

Ethan was curled up on the floor. There was a broken chair beside him. He was cradling his arm, as if he’d twisted it by falling down.

There was a broken piece of rope hanging from the ceiling. The other end of the rope was wrapped around Ethan’s neck.

“Oh my gods!” I ran to him and fell to my knees. Ethan’s face was blue, but color began to come back into his features as he gasped for air. His eyes flooded with pain as he took in my face.

“Damn demonic magic,” Ethan wheezed. He sounded so hopeless.

“We need to get you to the infirmary.” I was crying so hard that my tears were hitting his face, falling rapidly like rain. “You need to talk to someone, you need to get help—”

“I’m not depressed, Emma. I’m desperate,” Ethan gasped. “I can’t let it hurt you.”

A well of pain swallowed me whole, body and spirit. Ethan attempted to end his life to save mine. Him attacking me the other day was the last straw. Ethan thought if he killed himself, he’d kill the demon, too. The leshane had broken the rope with his dark magic before Ethan could suffocate, to keep his host alive.

For once in my damn life, I was grateful as hell to that monster. I wanted to worship the ground he stood, for preventing my mate from taking his life… even if it was for the demon’s own selfish purposes.

I’d had the thought earlier someone should put Ethan out of his misery. I hated myself for it.

The door banged open behind me. I heard hurried footsteps. Alexei and Stefan were beside us in an instant. Alexei looked as if he might pass out. I knew he was feeling every inch of anguish as it poured off Ethan and I in waves, but his mouth was thin and he remained cool.

Stefan’s shaking hands formed into fists. He was forcing himself to keep it together. Ethan stared at him blankly, as if he didn’t even recognize him.

“Ethan could’ve—” I put a hand over my mouth. Odette’s vision had nearly come true, right in front of my eyes, and I hadn’t any time to prepare.

“We got to him in time. That’s what matters,” Alexei stated. He was being awfully calm, like he had experience with this kind of thing. He pulled the rope off Ethan’s neck and tossed it to the other side of the room.

“But he— we—” Gods, I couldn’t even talk right now.

“Emma, you need to get out of here. It’s better if you don’t see this,” Alexei said, before nodding to Stefan. Alexei remained on the floor by Ethan’s side while Stefan began dragging me toward the door.

“I want to help him.” I could barely speak through the tears that were pouring out of my eyes.

“Just go. We’ll handle it.” Stefan’s words were so firm, they caused a shiver to race across my skin. He forced me out of the dormitory and into the hall.

Delmare was already waiting. I crossed Copyright 2016 - 2024