The Alicorn Court - Megan Linski Page 0,27

be on winning the gold. No time for fun.”

“I suppose this party involves illegal activities?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

Finlay grinned. “You’re thinking like an American. Drinking age in Malovia is sixteen, lass.”

“And even if it wasn’t, we’d still do it anyway,” Arthur laughed. Jasper gave him a high-five.

“Dozens of people are coming,” Ozzie gushed. “We do it every year. We want you there.”

“Invitation only,” Finlay said, wiggling his eyebrows.

It sounded tempting. Once October hit, I’d never have time for anything but ice practice, save for classes. With all this stress on my shoulders, it might be good to have some fun before the Malovian National Championships. “Maybe. Give me the details and I might make an appearance.”

Ozzie cheered. “Yay! I promise, Emma, you’re going to have so much fun.”

“I might get in a dance or two, if this fiery redhead will let me,” Finlay said, giving me a playful nudge.

“Don’t you think that kind of talk should be reserved for your mate?” I teased.

A sorrowful look came onto Finlay’s face. The rest of his friends busied themselves with other things— Arthur turned back to his homework, and Ozzie and Jasper abruptly started a quiet conversation. Vara kept her eyes down on her drink.

Had I said something wrong?

Finlay took a breath. “I lost my mate a few months ago. We were guests at the royal masquerade. When the Black Claw attacked, she died in the explosion.”

“Oh my gods. I’m so sorry.” What a terrible thing to happen. I felt absolutely horrible for him. And I’d just made myself look like a total jackass, asking about her.

“You didn’t know. I try not to bring her up, you know. Too painful.” He forced a lackluster smile.

“I apologize. I wish you didn’t have to go through that. It was a terrible night.” So many had died at that masquerade. Had I seen Finlay’s mate among the bodies at the palace, when we’d fought the Black Claw?

“Yeah. I would’ve died too, if you and your friends didn’t show up. I know the king and queen have taken credit for saving the day. But I remember seeing you and your friends fighting the cultists. You bought us enough time to regroup and fight back.”

I felt honored. Nobody had acknowledged how my friends and I had fought against the Black Claw that night. “Thanks for noticing that. What was your mate like?”

Finlay’s eyes glistened, but he didn’t let the tears fall. “She was beautiful, you know. And so strong. I don’t think I’ve ever met a more capable sorceress. We had so little time together, before she died.”

His head dropped. “But I know she’d want me to move on. I’ll never fill the hole she left. But I might be able to stop a little of the loneliness from consuming my life. She wouldn’t want me to be miserable forever.”

Finlay gave me a fond look. I felt an odd combination of joy and guilt. I knew Finlay was interested in me— particularly because I was no longer with Ethan. He was hoping I’d reject my bond and be free to date other people.

I wasn’t sure about all that, but I had to admit I had a crush on Finlay. I hadn’t known him very long, but he was cute, and I could tell he had a good heart. If there were no such things as mating bonds and true mates getting in the way, I’d have already gone on a date with him.

And yet… Ethan was supposed to be my destiny. I wasn’t ready to give that up.

My thoughts turned violently when I remembered the way Ethan had attacked me. Why couldn’t I let Ethan go? At least Finlay wouldn’t try to rip my head off. And I was certain that he wouldn’t lie to me. That’s more than I could ever say about Ethan.

Finlay was a safe choice. Ethan was anything but.

I checked my watch. “I have to meet up with some friends. See you later, guys.”

Arthur and his crew waved as I tossed my empty cup in the trash. Finlay winked, and I felt a blush rise to my cheeks. He was pretty adorable. Talk about a snack. I felt lighter whenever he was in my presence. It was a relief from the overwhelming darkness that shrouded me when Ethan was in the room… though I knew it wasn’t his fault. That was the demon talking.

I was on my way to the Rec Room. Me and my friends were going to meet up there, Copyright 2016 - 2024