Ain't She Sweet (Seven Brides for Seven Mothers #2) - Whitney Dineen Page 0,90


I look up from the newspaper. “This is a really nice article.”

“You sound shocked,” Rachel replies.

“I am. I mean, you’re with the Tattler. This isn’t what I would have expected from you.”

“The other two articles are more of the same,” she assures me. Then she points to the paper, “Finish reading it.”

When asked about long-time boyfriend and fiancé Romaine Choate, Tara says, “I love Romaine. He’s a powerful talent and a great human being. We just want different things in life. Our breakup was about nothing more than that.”

“I wanted you to read this before the rest of the press finds out you’re in Oregon,” Rachel says.

“Why?” I ask, still not believing how nicely she portrayed us.

“Because, Tara, I think you need to hold your head high. The world is going to read this tomorrow. You need to stand tall and face them.”

“I agree,” James says. “Earlier tonight I was going to tell you to go big or go home. That was before I discovered you’d gone into the lodge to talk to Romaine.”

Rachel says, “I don’t want to take up any more of your time tonight, but I would like a quote from you about Romaine and Cash, if you don’t mind.”

I think long and hard about what to say. When I finally come up with something, Rachel smiles brightly. “That’s absolutely perfect!”

After she leaves, James snuggles closer to me on the sofa and announces, “I’m not mad at you anymore.”

“Why were you ever mad at me?” I demand.

“Because I want to date you for real and you keep putting me off.”

I scoot closer to James. “You’re right. I need to put on my big girl panties and face the music. I like you a lot, James. I think we should go ahead and make us official. Tomorrow the whole world is going to think we’re a couple, anyway, why not be one for real?”

“No more faking it for the press?” he sounds nervous.

I lean in and kiss him like a sex-starved sailor on shore leave. After I pull back, I breathlessly answer, “No more faking it.”

We spend the rest of the evening making out like teenagers and plotting our strategy for dealing with the press.

Chapter Forty-Eight


With Penny snug in her arms, Ruby walks through the dining room and greets her guests with a smile. “Happy Thanksgiving,” she tells table after table, purposely avoiding the ones where the press is seated.

Chris hurries behind her and makes up for her deficit. The two friends ultimately meet up at the hostess stand. Ruby grudgingly says, “I suppose I should thank you for talking to those people.” Her tone suggests she regards them as subhuman.

“Those people are going to print beautiful pictures in their papers and mention us by name, repeatedly,” Chris reminds her.

“Have you seen James or Tara around anywhere?” Ruby asks.

“No, but I bought out all of the Tattlers at the market this morning.”

“What? Why?”

“I think we should strategically place them around the lodge,” Chris tells her.

“Have you lost your mind? Why would we do that?”

“So we can control when and where people find out about Tara.”

Ruby thinks it over before asking, “Where did you put the papers?”

Chris answers with a wink. “In the office. Just give me a sign and I’ll put them out.”

Before Ruby has a chance to decide what to do, Romaine Choate and Cash Cartwright stroll into the restaurant like they own the place. Nearly every diner cranes their head to get a better look at them. The reporters aren’t so subtle. They jump to their feet and rush the famous couple like front linemen in a football game.

“Here we go,” Ruby says, stepping out of the way. “I’m going to go call James and see what his and Tara’s plans are to deal with this.” But before she can, she sees James and Tara walk toward the dining room as well. They look relaxed, happy, and not a bit nervous.


Tara’s wearing jeans and a sweater. She looks every inch a famous model. She stops and kisses me before we get to the dining room. “I have no idea how this is going to go, but I’m glad I’m no longer hiding. Thank you for all your help. Thank you for being you.”

I squeeze her hand. “Just say everything we practiced, and you’ll do great. I’m the one you should be worried about.”

“At least you’re not wearing a suit on horseback or are in swim trunks. That’s something in your favor right there,” Tara jokes.

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