Ain't She Sweet (Seven Brides for Seven Mothers #2) - Whitney Dineen Page 0,89

be the center of interest like Tara is,” Billy decides.

“She didn’t mind it for a long time because it meant her career was a successful one. It wasn’t until she left modeling behind that that changed.”

“You don’t hear about many people leaving their work at the height of their success.”

Gwen replies, “I read an article about an Australian businessman once who was worth millions when he decided he’d had enough. He left his house with no money and very few possessions to live off the land for a whole year. He spent the time soul searching, and when he came back to his regular life, he was a changed man. He sounds a lot like you, only you did it for a heck of a lot longer.”

“I don’t have millions of dollars in the bank,” Billy laughs.

“Maybe not, but you have the things in life that really matter. You’re a hard worker, you’re kind, and you have the respect of the people who know you.”

“Imagine what kind of world this would be if folks only cared about the things that were truly important,” Billy replies.

“It would be another planet entirely,” Gwen says wistfully. “The only thing we can do to change the world for the better is to start with ourselves and hope others follow our lead. You make me want to be a better person.”

Billy takes Gwen’s hand and gives it a squeeze. “I’m so glad you came into my life, Gwen Heinz.”

“I’m so glad you came into mine,” she replies with a hitch in her voice.


“Did you just call me a crybaby? Cause that’s what it sounded like,” I screech at James on our way to his house.

“So, what if I did?” he yells back. “That’s how you’ve been acting.”

OMG. I want to open the truck door and jump out. I don’t need this from him. I pinch my lips closed so tightly I’m actually biting them shut.

James doesn’t say anything else until we pull into his driveway where he announces, “It looks like Rachel is already here.”

“She’s early.”

When we get out of the truck, we see her sitting on the porch. “Hey,” she calls out. “I’ve got some news.”

“Cash and Romaine are getting married at the lodge on Friday,” I say.

“You already knew?”

“I just came from talking to Romaine.” I don’t know why I’m telling her this, but how can it matter? Tomorrow is going to be a goat rodeo like none other, no matter what I say or do. Thank you, Cash and Romaine.

“I want to share my first article with you.” Rachel hands me an early copy of the Tattler.

I grab it out of her hands and flip through it until I find a full-page photo of James and me kissing up at the falls. He stands over my shoulder and reads along with me.

Giving Thanks for a New Life

The Tara Heinz of today is nothing like the woman the public once thought her to be. While as beautiful as ever, it’s not her physical attributes that are her most arresting.

Heinz left fame and fortune behind to become a pastry chef. According to Tara, she “wants to see what life was like for normal people.” When asked what she thinks of the simpler life, she answered, “I’m hooked.”

After interviewing Tara several times, I listened to her opinions on the superficiality of fame, and learned she no longer wants to be an unhealthy role model for young girls. “Beauty shouldn’t be defined by what size you wear,” Heinz says. “It should be defined by your deeds. There is no more beautiful sight than one person helping another.”

Heinz has a new man in her life, James Cavanaugh. “I used to have posters of Tara hanging on my walls when I was in high school.” He says, “But to know her in real life is a surprise.”

While Heinz looks on adoringly, Cavanaugh adds, “Tara’s modeling work would have you believe she’s so far above the rest of the world that she’d be unapproachable. That’s not the slightest bit true. While Tara is bigger than life, she’s also kind, passionate, and annoying when she disagrees with you about something.” He gives his girlfriend a playful nudge.

“Whatever!” Heinz laughs. Then to me she explains, “James likes to ruffle my feathers for fun. He doesn’t let me run the whole show.”

“It takes two to have a successful partnership,” Cavanaugh interjects. He smiles at Heinz lovingly and adds, “I’m glad Tara is such a strong personality. I wouldn’t want her any other Copyright 2016 - 2024