Afternoon Delight - By Mia Zachary Page 0,39

for me to trust.

I can’t believe I’m telling you all this. And now that I’ve bared my soul, I guess this is the last time I’ll hear from you.



You’re assuming your past experiences are the norm instead of the exception and painting every man with the same brush. But the funny thing about trust is you’ve got to give it to get it.

The key is to be truthful about who you are and what you want. Instead of anticipating the worst, why not take a chance and be open to the possibilities?



Thanks for listening. I’ll think about what you’ve said. I have a couple of things to do before I go to sleep, so I’ll say good night.



That’s what air travel friends are for. Talk to you later.


Chris leaned back in his desk chair, staring out the picture window into the night. The cell phone he’d laid on the desk began to ring. He looked at the clock on his laptop screen then took a deep breath and answered the call.


“It’s me.”

He silently exhaled, closing his eyes in relief at the sound of Rei’s soft voice.

“Am I disturbing you?”

Chris rubbed his temples. “If by ‘disturb’ you mean unsettle, fascinate and arouse, then, yes. You disturb the hell out of me.”

He could hear her breath against the receiver. Then she suddenly spoke in a rush. “My cell phone number is 555-8921 and my text pager is 555-7949. I’ll see you at lunch.”

He listened to the dial tone for a second after she’d hung up and then set the phone on its cradle.

It’s a date.

Wednesday, April 16th

Accomplishments: Get in touch with old friends; Try some new types of food

REI STARTLED when she felt the vibrations. The humming sensation sent little tingles of pleasure over her skin.

She hoped no one had noticed the quiet electronic buzz under her bench. Reaching beneath her robe, she pulled her pager off its clip. While the petitioner’s attorney presented his case, she glanced down at the tiny LCD screen. Chris was text messaging her again.

SO HOT 4 U :-P

Rei hid a smile and touched the button to store the message. The little panting face was definitely mutual, but she couldn’t think about that right now. She was adjudicating a case.

Robert Cote settled his features in what he must have assumed was a sympathetic expression. “Your Honor, my client loves her children and wants only the best for them. But she is a hard working woman with numerous responsibilities…”

He rambled on, extolling his client’s virtues. When Rei felt another vibration against her thigh. She lifted the pager slightly off her lap to read the message.


She had to rotate the pager to realize the little face was winking this time. After storing that message as well, she made a mental note to call him during her next break. If she ever got one. Why did people insist on coming to court instead of just talking things out?

“Okay here’s the deal. Mrs. O’Neal the second can adjust her work hours so that she can feed Amy and Brian in the morning and see them off to school.”


Rei kept speaking right over the beginnings of a protest. “Mrs. O’Neal the first can pick the kids up from school, make sure they do their homework and feed them dinner if necessary while they wait for their mother.”


Rei talked over the second protest. “That’s it. That’s my decision.” She banged her gavel and nodded to Mary Alice. “I’ll be back in five minutes.”

She stepped out of the courtroom and into her chambers, flipped open her cell phone and dialed Chris’s number. “What’s on your mind, as if I have to ask?”

“You. Naked. With me. Also naked. I put the giraffe print sheets on the bed for you.”

“Oh, I can just picture them.” Rei laughed at the mental image. “I’ll bet they’re just as awful as the rest of the room.”

“I’ll ignore that. What else can you picture?”

Responding to the playfulness in his voice, she said, “You. Naked.”

“With you?”

She closed her eyes, picturing his big, lean-muscled body lounging on his bed. “No, you’re alone.”

Chris growled into the phone. “You’re mean.”

“And you’re hard, incredibly hard.”

He breathed heavily. “Yeah, I really am. And you’re not here.”

“Sure, I am.” Rei opened her eyes long enough to glance over and make sure her chamber door was shut, then put herself back into the fantasy. “I’m sitting in the leopard chair, watching you.”

“Voyeurism? Really? I think I’d be shocked if Copyright 2016 - 2024