Afternoon Delight - By Mia Zachary Page 0,38

using the dinner table but I’d plan to cook you a meal.”

“Thanks, but no.” When he stiffened at her sharp response, she made an effort to soften her tone. “We had a great time. Let’s leave it at that, okay?”

Chris stared at her, an odd expression in his eyes, one that she couldn’t decipher. But it made her feel guilty and wrong nonetheless. She focused her gaze on the tile floor and began to braid her hair so it wouldn’t be a bird’s nest in the morning.

“Why do you keep pushing me away?”

His voice sounded tight, as if he were barely holding his temper, causing her to glance over. Now she recognized the look. Like she’d disappointed him…That was it. It was the same kind of look her father had given her. And she resented it as much from Chris as from Gordon.

Deciding to forget about braiding her hair, she pushed past him into the bedroom to get dressed. “I’ve got to go.”

He sighed heavily and turned in the doorway. He crossed his arms over his bare chest, a slight frown tugging at his mouth. “When—?”

“I don’t know. I’ll call you.”

Chris straightened and came toward her as she hastily buttoned her shirt. “This isn’t fair, Jade. We agreed to explore our desires and have some fun together, but you’re treating me like some hired stud. What, I’m good enough to screw but not good enough to talk to?”

Rei flinched at his coarse accusation. Knowing it was true added to her guilt, but damn it, having to negotiate these sensitive waters was exactly why she wanted to keep it physical.

“You said you weren’t looking to get involved or start a relationship. You agreed that this, whatever it is, wouldn’t affect our real lives, that there would be no complications.”

God, she absolutely did not need any complications, not now when everything was so uncertain.

“I’ve changed my mind.”

His voice was a harsh whisper, hinting at things she didn’t want to deal with. Rei shoved her feet into her shoes and reached for her purse. “I’m sorry, Chris. I haven’t changed mine. This is not going anywhere except toward a bad ending.”

He forcibly pushed away from the wall and came at her. “Of course it’s not going anywhere. You’ve already resolved not to let it.” He stopped beside her, close enough for her to smell his freshly showered skin, but didn’t touch her. “All I’m asking you for is a real date, not a June wedding. Come on, Jade, take a risk. Meet me for lunch tomorrow.”

She looked over at him finally and felt the emotional punch right in her gut. His face, already handsome, was all the more appealing for the stubborn expression of hope. The firelight turned Chris’s green eyes to a warm gold, adding shadows and depth to his gaze, promising things she didn’t dare accept….


I was thinking about you so I thought I’d say hi. Hi.



Hi. It’s after midnight. What are you doing online?



Same as you, I guess. Not sleeping.

I had a date tonight, but it didn’t go exactly as I’d hoped. This getting-to-know-you stage is hard, isn’t it?



Oh, you’ve gone out with someone already? Me, too, and my night didn’t end well either.

Actually, my day didn’t start well. It’s been one of those emotionally confrontational days that keeps replaying in my mind. With everything else that’s going on, this is probably the worst time to get involved in a new relationship.



Want to talk about it?

One thing I’ve noticed is that with a company like Lunch Meetings, where you log in on a secure server, the Internet provides a unique type of privacy. No one can see you or find out anything about you that you don’t tell them. That means you can remain anonymous while being as open and honest as you want.

Sometimes that’s the best way to get something off your chest, like striking up a conversation with a stranger on a plane during a long flight.


Chris stared at the computer screen, watching for the little envelope icon to appear. But after checking twice, he still had no new messages. Maybe he’d pushed too hard. Just when he figured she wouldn’t answer, though, the computer chimed.


I only signed up for Lunch Meetings because my best friend talked me into it. There have been too many disappointments in the past, too many times when the man in my life let me down. So now it’s hard Copyright 2016 - 2024