Afternoon Delight - By Mia Zachary Page 0,30

Lara about the appointment to find out which of the women had applied. Now that he had Rei Davis’s name, he could read her profile summary and maybe figure out why she’d given him a false identity.

Since his computer had the main server access as well as monitoring override ability, he was able to immediately pull up her file. He noticed that she’d left her occupation blank. Also the mailing address and billing address were different.

What was she trying to hide?

If it were anything criminal, the background check should find it. Beyond that, he’d have to investigate on his own, a prospect he eagerly looked forward to. Jade’s name might be a fake, however the attraction between them had been real…. Real hot. She sure hadn’t hidden her desires or her passion, not that first night in the bar nor the night they’d gone to bed.

His throat suddenly felt tight and his face was getting hot. He knew it was ridiculous to feel jealous—he only just met her—but he hated the idea of anyone else being with her, touching her the way he had. The way he wanted to again and again and again.

On a whim, Chris started the compatibility search engine to see which of his clients the computer thought she should be paired with. The search would take a few minutes, so he got up and went to the credenza for a glass of water.

The computer beeped to indicate it had finished matching the traits and attributes of the hundreds of profiles in the system. Chris went back to his desk to see which men the program had chosen. He did a double take when he saw the list on his screen, then stifled a chuckle.

He had forgotten that the tech who’d written the programming script had needed a sample profile to work from. According to the carefully coded, regularly tested and virus scanned proprietary software program, Chris and Jade—or rather, Rei Davis—were 99% compatible.

Almost a perfect match.

MONDAY AFTERNOON, Rei took the bench five minutes behind schedule.

“Is everything all right, Commissioner?” The court service clerk spoke softly as Rei hurried into the courtroom, still fastening her robe.

“It’s fine, Mary Alice.” Rei smiled briefly. “I had a lunch meeting.”

She took a deep breath as she pulled her chair under the bench. It wasn’t like her to be late. Or flustered. But that’s how she felt about signing up for the dating service. A part of her considered it nothing more than a silly favor for a friend. A part of her dismissed it as embarrassing and desperate.

Yet another part quietly wondered if maybe she’d already met someone. Someone charming and sexy and quietly assertive. A man who made her feel desirable and daring, a man who made her scream with multiple orgasms…Rei looked up to find everyone in the courtroom staring at her. She felt the heat between her legs travel all the way to her face but waved a hand to indicate she was okay.

“Let’s get started. I see Mr. Dowd and I know Mr. Bates had a family emergency. Ms. Green, I assume you’re here for Bruce Grayson?”

Shambala Green, a regal African American woman, stood up, placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Yes, Your Honor. Jeff Bates asked me to take over under the circumstances. I’m sorry for the delay of this morning’s hearing.”

“Please extend my sympathies to Mr. Bates when you next hear from him.” Rei fanned the papers in front of her, looking for a particular report. “I’ve read over the Grayson file, including the police, hospital and psychologist’s reports. I’m ready to hear arguments. Mr. Dowd?”

“Thank you, Your Honor. First off…”

Rei let the Assistant State’s Attorney’s words drift over her while she watched Bruce Grayson’s face. Unlike the swaggering petulance he’d exhibited last week, this afternoon he looked like what he really was—a vulnerable child at the mercy of the juvenile justice system.

“Excuse me, Mr. Dowd. I’d like to hear from Mr. Grayson.”

The ASA stuttered to a halt at her interruption. “Ms. Green is welcome to present her case after—”

“Sit, Mr. Dowd.”

Rei turned her attention to the twelve-year-old hanging his head at the defense table. “Mr. Grayson, do you have anything to say to this court?”

The boy lifted his head and looked over his shoulder at the empty gallery. Even at a distance, Rei could see his eyes water. He turned back around, once again hanging his head, and remained silent.

She tapped her fingers on the arm of her chair. “Mr. Grayson? Bruce. Copyright 2016 - 2024