Afternoon Delight - By Mia Zachary Page 0,29

That’s why I need you to go through the entire process.”

Rei studied her friend’s innocent expression. “You’re full of it, Peej. You’re just trying to set me up again.”

“That, too. I’ll get a firsthand—or rather second-hand—look at how the business operates and you’ll get to meet some new guys.”

She rolled her eyes before quickly typing in her name, address, cell phone number and P.J.’s card number. The next screen came up for her to fill out a general description—a checklist on a scale of one through five, five being the most true, one being the least.

“Section one of seven? How long is this going to take?”

“Not long if we do it together.” P.J. pulled her chair closer. “Click five for clever, introverted, perfectionist and quarrelsome. Only click three for content, humorous, patient and communicative. And, let’s see, put ones for lazy, arrogant, under-achieving, optimistic and passionate.”

Rei disagreed with the passionate part. Surreptitiously touching the jacket pocket where she’d tucked his card, she thought about Chris. About the gleam of desire in his eyes and delicious softness of his mouth. About that naughty little thrill he’d somehow known about. She thought of the incredible night they’d spent together and the memory made her thighs clench against a ripple of wanting.

She’d hoped for good sex and gotten better than she’d imagined. Her pulse beat a little faster as she recalled the way his hands felt on her body and how he felt inside her. Remembering the expression of utter bliss on his handsome face, Rei felt proud of herself, knowing she’d made him as crazy as he’d driven her.

Was Chris really such a good lover, or was it because of her own change in attitude? Maybe their coupling had been so good because there was no emotional investment, no strings or complications. Because she didn’t feel the need to impress him or to worry what he would think of her after having sex “on the first date,” the sex had been the best she’d ever had.

When she’d told Chris she would call, it had been an empty promise, a kiss off to smoothly end the awkward parting. But twice today she’d almost dialed his number. Now that her inner bad girl had been unleashed, it seemed that side of her didn’t wanted to be shut away anymore.

“I’m checking a four on that last question.” P.J. looked at her. “I know you’re doing me a favor, but this isn’t going to work if you’re not honest about your answers.”

Honesty changed with circumstance, though. Rei wouldn’t have considered herself passionate before. Chris had awakened that side of her. Who would look at the conservative Commissioner Davis and guess what “Jade” had done Friday night?

“I can be passionate, damn it.”

“Put a five next to stubborn.”

Lara came back to their cubicle ten minutes later, bringing chicken salads and glasses of iced tea. “How’s it going, Rei?”

“I’m only on section three. There are a ton of questions and they aren’t all that easy.”

“Successful relationships take work.” Lara smiled before turning to leave. “Don’t forget to create a user name and password for your e-mail account.”

“What do you think, Peej? Should I use my real name?” Rei took a bite of her salad.

“That’s up to you, but personally I’d use initials or a nickname. Even with the background check, you never know who might be contacting you.”

“Okay, then. Um, how about RLD49?” P.J. smirked. “You and your football.”

“I know it’s been a decade since the 49ers made the Super Bowl, but they have a great lineup this season. Their time is coming, trust me.” Rei set up her new e-mail and moved on to the next set of questions.

The Personal Characteristics section asked her to rank things like, “I feel guilty if I am not being productive” and “I have a high level of desire for sexual activity.” The Important Qualities part asked her to indicate the traits she sought in a partner. The Vital Attributes questions required her to check off her values, beliefs and relationship skills.

Thirty minutes later, Rei finished the extensive set of questionnaires and hit the “save” button to send her profile to the database.

P.J. smiled at her with a combination of mischief and sincerity. “Here’s hoping you find the love of your life.”

CHRIS CLOSED THE DOOR to his office, barely able to keep from slamming it. Marvin’s application process had taken longer than planned so he’d missed any chance of confronting Jade before she and her friend had left.

He’d had to casually ask Copyright 2016 - 2024