Zodiac Academy Fated Throne - Caroline Peckham Page 0,204

stones and blasted them away from my body with a surge of power.

The corpses were ripped away from me and I grunted out a curse as I began to shove the soil aside so that I could climb out of the grave and get back to the fight. But as I started to make my way up to the surface, I found two white paws tearing at the soil as Seth dug for me from above.

The dirt parted and I came face to face with Seth's Wolfy snout, his tongue swiping straight up the centre of my face a moment before he shifted back into his Fae form and heaved me to my feet.

"Shit man, for a second there I thought you were a goner." He gave me a shake like he was making sure I was definitely okay before turning and ripping the skull from his ass cheek where it was still clinging on by the teeth.

I grabbed the skull and hurled it as hard as I could towards the fence where those Reaper Hounds were waiting, hoping it cleared it and they could finish the thing off for me.

“Sorry about that,” I laughed. “And you didn’t need to worry. It's harder than that to kill me," I promised him before slapping my hand over the bleeding wound on his ass and healing it for him.

"It had better be," Seth snarled, shifting back into a Wolf again and racing back up the hill towards the fight.

I paused, reaching out with my earth magic to hunt down the dagger I'd lost beneath the ground before flinging it back out of the dirt and catching it deftly. I shot up the hill to catch up with Seth then kept pace with him as he tore into more of the corpses with tooth and claw beside me.

Geraldine was standing on top of a stone sarcophagus whirling her flaming flail like a freaking baton of death as she crushed skulls and hollered to the moon.

"Come for me you ghastly cads!" she roared. "For I am true of heart and forged in steel! I wield a weapon created by the true queens of Solaria and none who stand against them shall ever succeed! They are the light of the rising sun and I am the shadow at their backs - you will never pass me!"

A flaming arrow shot past my ear and I whipped around to spot Max suspended on a tower of air magic as he took shot after shot with his bow, hitting the corpses dead in the centre of their chests where their hearts should have been. When they fell they didn't rise again and I guessed that made sense. Magic resided in the heart after all so that must have been where they were drawing their power from.

I grinned as I leapt onto Seth's furry back before launching myself at the closest corpse and slamming my dagger down into its chest. Brittle bones snapped, sinew parted and the light went out of its undead eyes before it crumpled to the ground at my feet.

Seth howled in excitement as he charged into the thick of the fight, bowling into the crowd of corpses trying to climb up to Geraldine and knocking a group of them flying before he pounced on them one after another, crushing their chests with his huge, flaming paws.

Darius and Tory were fighting further up the hill, him swinging the huge double headed axe with all the power of his Order and carving the undead apart while she sent spears of Phoenix fire flying at targets further away from them.

I spotted a group of the undead charging up the path Orion and Darcy had taken and I sped around the gravestones to intercept them.

I charged straight towards them with a snarl of bloodlust and my daggers raised but one of them sent a blast of air magic crashing into me before I could cut them down and I was thrown away again.

This graveyard was the most prestigious in all of Solaria and the corpses here had all been powerful Fae once upon a time. Hell, I was probably fighting against my great, great grandpa in amongst the masses and all of them had clearly held onto that strength in death.

There was a reason why most Fae were cremated upon death. Our magic stayed in our bones and it was all too tempting for grave robbers to come and steal bones to be used in dark magic. Hence the

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