Zero Forks - Cat Johnson Page 0,8

lips together so tightly nothing was getting between them—though I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to imagining a thing or two I’d like to get between her lips.

Finally, she glanced up at the kid, still happily kicking away, and said, “Okay. Fine. Where’s this table by the river?”

“Right this way.” Grinning I led the way around the side of the house and to the bluestone patio Brandon had restored.

Once I got the kid in a chair and his mom got the food on the table I could finally sit back and think—and realize I was completely off my game. I didn’t even know her name.

It was way past time for introductions. Time to remedy that. I leaned forward.

“So, I’m Boone Morgan. And you are?” I asked and waited.

I’d thrown my last name in there too since my family was kind of famous around these parts.

Not only was the Morgan name painted on all of our trucks, as well as on a bunch of signs around town and by the highway because of the farm stand, but my brother Stone had been on the news with the state governor recently.

“I’m Sarah and this is Stewie.” She didn’t look impressed by my being a Morgan, but at least she answered my question and now I had a name to go with her angelic face.

“Very nice to meet you, Sarah. And you too, Stewie.”

The kid was too busy fisting a handful of fries to care much about me, but at least he’d stopped cussing. That could only help my case with his mom.

Now to find out more. In particular, if she was single or not.

“So, what brings you to town?” I asked.

“Stewie was hungry and I saw a sign for the diner by the exit.”

Thank God for small miracles—and that Brandon was on top of his advertising game and had arranged for that sign on the highway.

“That’s as good a reason as any to come to Mudville. And good choice. Best fries around.” I frowned when I realized the bag was empty and she wasn’t eating. “You didn’t get anything for yourself?”

She shook her head, sending a fall of silky reddish-brown hair bouncing around her shoulders in the sunlight. “I didn’t even think of it. I just wanted to grab something for him and get back to the car before he woke up.”

“Want some shake?” I extended my cup.

She smiled. “No. Thanks. If it was coffee, I might have taken you up on it.”

“When we go back to the car, we can go across the street to Bethany’s to get you coffee, if you want. But you have to have one of her honey buns with your coffee. It’s a requirement. Hey, wait. Shalene’s should be just about finished with her shift at the diner. I’ll have her run over with a burger for you. You eat meat, right?” I pulled out my cell to text my cousin.

“No, please. I mean yes, I eat meat but don’t bother her. That’s too much to ask.”

“Don’t be silly. She’ll do it. No problem.” I punched in a text and then put the cell down. A second later, it lit with her reply. I glanced down and read. “She just got off work and says she’ll be here in five minutes.”

Sarah cocked her head as she watched me. “Is everyone in this town this insanely nice or is it just you and your girlfriend?”

“My girlfriend?” I frowned. “Oh, you mean Shalene?”

She nodded.

Interesting that she’d jumped to the conclusion that Shalene was my girlfriend.

Meanwhile, I took great pleasure in correcting her. “Shalene’s not my girlfriend. She’s my cousin. Our dads are brothers. And yes, just about everyone in this town is nice. With a few exceptions, of course.”

I was thinking in particular of old lady Trout as I said that.

Karma took care of her for us, though, when she got lost in our corn maze after closing time and ended up spending the night. I had to stifle a laugh now just remembering it.

She gazed at the river flowing slowly by at the edge of the sweeping lawn I’d just cut for Brandon yesterday. “Maybe I should rent a place here.”

Her comment piqued my interest.

“Maybe you should. You looking for a place?” I asked, very much liking the idea of her moving here.

She nodded. I waited, for her to volunteer more information. Finally she said, “I only need it for a couple of months though, so it might be hard to get a decent place since Copyright 2016 - 2024