Zenith in Love (Zenith Series #5) - Leanne Davis Page 0,41

was installed. A group of volunteers who were not at church the day of the shooting showed up to help renovate the worship room.

He was grateful for all their time and effort but he still could not unsee the picture of it on that fateful day. It remained in his mind. He didn’t want to enter the room, much less speak in it. His feet were encased in concrete along with his heart.

He couldn’t shake the malaise hovering over him. He didn’t feel like doing anything, yet sitting in his apartment was even worse. He was so tired that nothing could capture his focus or attention for long. While he was trying to read and write, he imagined a colony of ants crawling up his leg that made him jump around and fidget. He often went outside just to walk through the streets of Everett, where he lived. Usually in the afternoons and the middle of the night. His sleep was fitful at best so the walking often helped.

One night, he returned home at close to two in the morning and was startled when he spotted a figure sitting at the base of his door. With legs drawn up, and a head covered by a hoodie, whoever it was wore a dark sweatshirt. Was it a parishioner? A runaway teenager? Someone in legal trouble? Jim was involved with several community groups that provided food, counseling, jobs, job training and mentorship in a variety of local homeless and youth programs. Right then, however, he was not doing anything for anybody. Volunteering was the only thing that made him feel decent about himself, and he actually missed it.

The head lifted when he stopped a few feet short.

“Kayla? What the hell are you doing out here? It’s the middle of the damn night.”

Rising to her feet, Kayla jammed her hands deep inside her sweatshirt pockets, stretching it down longer. “I had to see you.”

“Your family will be freaking out.”

“They think I went to a friend’s house nearby. The guards are over there. I snuck out and made her promise not to tell anyone where I went.”

He frowned while passing next to her to unlock the door. “You shouldn’t have done that. Ever. You saw Eric get shot. Don’t run around without your security. You are always a target because of Zenith. If I finally get that, so should you.”

“Weren’t you just walking alone in the middle of the night on the empty city streets? Not the safest thing to do either, idiot.”

A small smile stretched his lips at her quick retort. Good thing she couldn’t see his face as he busily jiggled the lock. It was rusty and old and didn’t always work right away. His heart lifted at seeing her, which told him more than any words he might think.

He was more than overjoyed she came. Even if it were the middle of the night.

She huddled inside the door for a moment, cuddling up inside her sleeves, which were far too long because it wasn’t her sweatshirt. Jim suspected it was Rob’s when he saw the Zenith logo. Her arms cradled her middle and she stared down at the ground.

“Kayla? What is it? Why would you risk coming here like this?”

“Well, I thought you’d be home. Why weren’t you?”

Jim didn’t usually share things. Not even with Kathy. There was so much he didn’t bother to tell her. It didn’t even occur to him. Why upset her because he was upset? Why ruin her mood? That made more sense to him. But when Kayla asked, he answered her. The need to protect her mood never crossed his mind. Honestly, he really didn’t mind sharing his thoughts with her. But maybe she just wanted more sex. That was very likely. He sighed. First, he felt disappointment but his undeniable interest made him instantly want her despite her woebegone appearance.

“I don’t sleep well at night. Never really did. But lately, it’s been much worse. I can’t seem to concentrate on reading so I like to go out for a walk. Burns off the excess energy and all that.”

“In the middle of the night? Alone? And you dare to scold me for doing it once?”

“I’m pretty big and I’m not a girl. Yeah, go ahead and shoot your eye daggers at me, but it’s logical and it’s the truth.”

She sighed audibly. “I just wanted to see you without anyone else waiting outside for me. I feel like I should hurry so the guards won’t be out

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