Zenith in Love (Zenith Series #5) - Leanne Davis Page 0,111

we want to live in Montana? We had to live apart when you were still in school. It’s not a choice I would make without careful consideration first.”

She smiled and cupped his face with a loving smile. “I love the fact that you’re so open about it. Let’s just look and talk to them and explore the idea further. And we could move there if everything fits. Remember that dream you told me of living off the grid somewhere and preaching? Here it is, being handed to you now. On a silver platter.”

“I can’t believe you remember that. And I told Kathy about that, not you.”

“She mentioned it because she was so horrified at the prospect. She wasn’t remotely interested. But I thought it sounded intriguing. I still do. And since I’m your girlfriend now, I say… let’s go for it.”

“The middle of Montana isn’t exactly off the grid. I meant like… I don’t know, some distant island off the coast of Africa or a tiny village in the Arctic.”

“Compromise. Montana is far enough off the grid for me. And I’d be more than willing to try it. If all the factors were right.”

“What would you do?”

“Get a job, of course. You know my situation.” She rolled her eyes. The fame and wealth of her family allowed her a lot of flexibility. She didn’t need a high paying salary; her family could always provide, if needed. That was also how Kathy managed to work as the music director at church while attending school to become a pastor herself.

“I’m sure there’s a non-profit I could work for or with. It’ll make my resume look better.”

He tilted his head. “You’d seriously consider it?”

“Yeah. I think it sounds awesome.”

She’d floored him. So they traveled there to the interview. It must have gone extremely well because they formally offered him the position. He was still thinking about it without deciding yet. They wanted to travel, sight-see, vacation, hike and visit the Zavarians… Now a marriage proposal?

“Jim?” Her voice drew him back to the present. “Marriage? Me?”

He smiled when his mind wandered for the moment and he heard the stress in her tone. Looking at her lovely face and her big eyes staring with hope at him, she still took his breath away. Funny, beautiful, opinionated, caring, fierce, loyal, intelligent, and strong. This was Kayla and she wanted him as a husband? It stunned him still. “Yes.”

She tilted her head. “That’s it? Your answer?”

“Well, isn’t that what you wanted? You asked… I hoped you wanted a yes.”

She threw herself and half hugged him before hitting his bicep gently. “Duh. But you could add a little something to it.”

“Like… I love you?”

“That’s better.”

“I think you’re everything I could ever want.”

“Better still.”

“I can’t believe you want to be with me.”

“Well, that’s good too…”

“And we should get hitched if we intend to move to Montana together. Might look bad to start shacking up in a strange, small town.”

She huffed and glared up at him after the few nice words of love. “Jim!”

He couldn’t help dragging her back to him as she started to flounce away while launching her anger at him in a swift series of curses. He scooted her back and stared into her face. “And I have something to confess to you: I planned to ask you to marry me on this trip; there’s a ring in the glove box. See? Unlike you, I came prepared. You can have it now if you like.”

She gasped, letting her faux-anger vanish as the sappy look returned to her face. “You… you’re kidding.”

“Not kidding. Look.”

She couldn’t wait another second. Grappling with the snap on the glove box, she finally opened it and scrounged around inside. Jim had stashed it under the owner’s manual and licensing information but eventually, she popped up, smiling and holding the ring box.

Whipping her face to him, her jaw unlocked and she didn’t speak for a profound moment. “Oh, God… you’re really serious.”

“Yes. Weren’t you?” He leaned forward to take the box from her hand. Opening it, he plucked the plain ring out. He knew she was aware of his meager salary, which couldn’t compare to a rock star’s annual income, like her family. He also knew he would insult her by prequalifying it. In his gut, he knew it did not matter to Kayla whether the ring he picked for her was simple and lacking a huge diamond. His was small and affordable. But it symbolized his heart, soul, faith and being. He chose

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