Zaxe's Rule (Assassins of Gravas #4) - N.J. Walters Page 0,40

cast her reputation into doubt. It was antiquated and offensive. His sisters would roll their eyes in disgust. What were a woman’s choices when she was alone with no family and none willing to help? Jamaeh had built a life for herself and her brother. And from all he could glean, she’d done it alone.

“Jamaeh is mine.”

She went stiff beside him. He only prayed she’d wait until they were alone to yell at him. He removed his sunshades and stared at the crowd, letting his gaze land on the most judgmental of them. “Any insult to her is an insult to me.” They now had fair warning.

“I meant no offense.” Qasim gave them a slight bow. “You are my guests. Come. Come.” He led the way into the small structure. Zaxe waved Jamaeh in ahead of him.

The dwelling was one large room. There was a single bed and a table with two chairs. All of it was mismatched, but the place was scrupulously clean and tidy.

“We have no gel cleansing units, but there is water. I will have some brought so you may refresh yourselves and rest. There are basic facilities over there.” He pointed to a small sectioned-off area with a door for privacy. “We will feast and talk later.” Giving them another slight bow, Qasim retreated, leaving them alone.

He waited until the door closed before pushing down his hood. Expecting her to launch into a tongue-lashing, he was more than a little concerned when she simply sank to the floor where she stood.

“Jamaeh.” His voice sounded harsh to his own ears. “Are you hurt?”

She dragged the goggles and headscarf off and tossed them aside. “What do you mean I’m yours?”

Chapter Eleven

Dirty and exhausted, she wanted nothing more than to fall over onto her side and sleep. The bed was only feet away, but she was sweaty and dirty and didn’t want to soil the blanket.

Zaxe crouched beside her and pressed his hand against her cheek. It was surprisingly cool. Or maybe she was overheated. Having him lay claim to her in front of the entire settlement had raised her blood pressure.

“I won’t have them disrespect you.”

Warmth spread out from her heart. No one had ever defended her honor before. “It’s nothing new.”

His eyes turned fierce and a muscle in his jaw flexed. “It’s not right.”

She managed a shrug, which took more effort than it should. The pack seemed heavier than it had been, so she slipped it off, sighing with relief. She was really wiped out. “Maybe not, but that’s the way things are here.”

“Then they need to change.”

A tired laugh bubbled up. “You volunteering for the job?”

He jerked as if she’d struck him. It would have been comical if it wasn’t sad.

“Didn’t think so. The current ruler thinks things are just fine. If anything, he’s rolled back the rights of women over the past couple of decades. His son is worse.”

“His son?”

Jamaeh rubbed the grit from her eyes. Was there any water? Her mouth was drier than dirt and her water flask was empty. “Samar.”

“The bully from the market?” He leaned down, hooked his arm around her waist, and dragged her to her feet. While her head was still spinning, he all but carried her to one of the chairs.

“Yes. He basically does what he wants. If anyone complains, they end up having even more trouble.”

A knock on the door interrupted them. She drew her blaster, setting it on her lap, using the table as cover. Giving her a nod of approval, Zaxe opened the door. Two men carried basins of water, while several women held baskets. The older of the women gave him a nod. “May we enter?”

Zaxe stepped back and gave a slight bow. They glanced in her direction, then away, seeming wary of them both. The basins were set on a stone ledge just beyond the table. The baskets were set on the ground beneath. “There’s water for washing. You’ll find washcloths, towels, and soap in one basket. The others contain food and drink. Refresh yourselves and rest.”

They left as quickly as they’d come. No one else spoke, but all gave Zaxe a wide berth as they left. “I think you intimidate them.”

“Good.” There was no lock, so Zaxe took the second chair and jammed it beneath the door handle.

“All things considered, they’re being hospitable.” And that surprised her. “I thought this would be a camp for outcasts. I thought Helldrick would be here.”

“And your brother?” Zaxe flipped back the lid of one of Copyright 2016 - 2024