Zaxe's Rule (Assassins of Gravas #4) - N.J. Walters Page 0,10

and a family holiday.

The computer beeped. Zaxe’s eyes shot open. Information began to fill the screen.

“Jamaeh, age twenty-four. Last name Jerman for her mother Zahra Jerman, deceased six years ago. Brother Esau Jerman, age eighteen, raised by his sister after their mother’s passing. Father unlisted.”

“Of course, he is.” Helldrick wasn’t exactly father-of-the-year material. So Jamaeh had been responsible for her brother since she was eighteen and he was twelve. Quite a responsibility.

“Occupation listed as trader—on-planet operation.”

“Save report.” He’d read the rest later before he met with her again. And if she decided not to show, he had an address where he could find her. “Begin new search on Zaxus for information on Helldrick.” He might have a business here. Not likely, but Zaxe was always thorough.

A comfortable bed waited not far away, but he closed his eyes. An image of Jamaeh immediately filled his mind. She truly was beautiful. Her height and unusual coloring made her stand out among the local women. Her cheekbones were high, her chin slightly pointed, and the corners of her eyes tilted up slightly, giving her an exotic appearance. But it was her willingness to step up and take on the care of a younger brother when the need arose, carving a career in a city where she’d be treated as second-class due to her mixed heritage and lack of family ties that impressed him even more. Like many cultures, Zaxians were not always so accepting of those outside their own race. Life could not have been easy for her, yet she’d stepped in to help him today.

He raised his fingers and skimmed them along his lips. She’d tasted of mint and sweet like honey. The brief taste hadn’t been enough. His dick flexed in agreement.

Would she meet him later or would she run? He couldn’t wait to find out.


Jamaeh crouched by the side of a building, her vantage point giving her a clear view of the fountain. Would he show? She’d spent the afternoon tracking down those in the neighborhood around her brother’s age. None of them knew where he had gone. They weren’t lying. Most of them were a little afraid of her, and she’d used that to her advantage.

Tapping her regular sources hadn’t worked either. No one in their quarter of the city had seen where he’d gone or who he’d left with. It was as though he’d vanished.

She scrubbed her dry eyes, wishing she’d been able to take a short nap. Sleep had been in short supply of late. Several of the older women in their neighborhood had advised her to let Esau go. “He is almost a man and must find his own way.” All fine and good for them to say, but she had no one else. And neither did Esau. No matter what he might momentarily believe.

At some point, Helldrick would let him down or abandon him. She had to be there to catch him when it happened. It was a promise she’d made to their mother. And unlike her father, Jamaeh kept her word.

The square was bustling, mostly with men this time of evening. Groups of them shared street food, talked of business and politics and family matters. The women were home or in restaurants with family or friends. It wasn’t always safe for a woman to be out alone once the sun went down.

It hadn’t always been that way from what her mother had told her. Things had changed when the former king’s brother had inherited control of the territory. Didn’t matter to her either way. Given her heritage, life was always going to be a challenge. As a male, Esau had more options open to him. She intended to make sure he had the chance to use them.

There was no sound behind her, but a subtle shift in the air had her spinning around. She led with her fist, but it was caught by a much larger hand and held easily.

Humor twinkled in Zaxe’s dark-brown eyes. “That’s quite a greeting.” He gave a gentle squeeze before releasing her.

“You should know better than to sneak up behind someone.”

“What are we looking at?” He peered around her shoulder at the market.

“Nothing. I mean, I was watching for you.” Gods, she routinely bargained with shrewd merchants over the prices of cloth, spices, and other goods. She had more experience dealing with the opposite sex than most women ever would. She saw the sides of them most kept hidden from their families—hard, ruthless, and cunning. Yet this man had Copyright 2016 - 2024