You're The One (Very Irresistible Bachelors #1) - Layla Hagen Page 0,83


Chapter Thirty-Two


The best part about spending time with Tess? She was so bubbly and full of energy that it was catchy. And we had so much work to do. How she’d thought she’d finish everything by herself was beyond me.

On Sunday, we had our very first semi healthy meal—chicken salad with chips and guacamole on the side.

“You still haven’t said one word about Hunter. Oh, okay. You’re still glaring when I bring him up. More chips?”

“I’ll never say no to that.”

“I’m thinking, we need to shake things up a bit,” Tess said once we’d finished our salads, placing her hands on her hips and scrunching her face up in concentration.

“Uh-oh. Should I be afraid?”

“What? Not at all. When have my plans ever been dangerous?”

“Umm... when haven’t they been dangerous?”

“Girls’ night out?”

I shook my head. “Your cold is still not one hundred percent over.”

Tess continued undeterred. “Girls’ night in?”

I laughed. “I forgot you never give up.”

“Ha! Nothing is impossible if I’m making it my mission, and I totally am.”

I smiled, despite myself. Tess did her nickname justice. She was a damn hurricane. And camping here, in her apartment, I felt bad.

“Tess, have you ever just... felt lost? Like you’re not sure what’s best?”

“You’re talking about your career?”

“No, about Hunter. I love him. So much. I’m just afraid that I’m mucking things up with him. Being his friend was always so easy... I’m not used to things being strained between us.”

“Is there something more that you’re afraid of?”

I swallowed, deciding to own up to all my fears. Tess would give it to me straight.

“I’m afraid that maybe we got carried away, what with the marriage and living together, but that we’re first and foremost friends... I mean, if he hadn’t needed my help, we would have stayed just friends forever.”

“Ha! No, you wouldn’t have. You two always had this spark I loved. And of course, you’re going to have growing pains. Honestly, I think that’s true of any marriage or relationship. Everything happened so fast between the two of you, though. I can understand that you’re afraid. Just take your time. And as for your question... Josie, I’m human. Of course, I’ve had my moments of doubt and uncertainty. After Dad left, Mom was depressed for months. She tried to hide it, but it didn’t work. And for a while, we just let her do it, thinking it would pass. I mean, we were kids, didn’t know any better. But then after a while, we realized we had to help. Every time we saw her disappear into herself, instead of leaving her alone, we’d take her out and about and just be silly.”

“How could you do it?”

Tess gave me a sad smile. “Don’t tell anyone, but... I actually hoped my dad would come back. Hoped right until we found out he married that woman. Cole and Ryker were super sweet when they found out. They hugged me and said they’d never leave us. And then we took Mom for ice cream. But enough about that. Let’s focus on you. I just had an idea. How about some girly activities? Facials, painting our nails? Just messing around? Take your pick. And because your need is greater than mine, I’m also willing to donate my bathtub.”

I grinned at Tess. I just loved her.

Later that evening, I did something I’d never voluntarily done before: went for a run.

After twenty minutes, I stopped. Since I wasn’t a regular runner, I couldn’t go on for too long, but I was feeling reborn. This felt amazing. I couldn’t believe I’d been firmly in the I’m not a runner camp for so long.

In the months I’d lived with Hunter, I’d given his treadmill a few tries, and gave up because I was bored stiff. But I could get used to running outside. Tess lived near a park , and breathing in fresh air, being surrounded by greenery gave me a much-needed boost of energy. More than that, my mind was clearer during the run.

I loved feeling productive again. It also felt good to finally have a plan, and it didn’t include begging anyone for a job. From now on, I was going to bust my ass for myself. I planned to open my own place. My experience practically spoke for itself, and I was confident that I could convince two other colleagues to join me.

My specialty was corporate law, and theirs were family and estate law, so we could cover a broad spectrum between us.

Why didn’t I feel good? Copyright 2016 - 2024