You're The One (Very Irresistible Bachelors #1) - Layla Hagen Page 0,54

was so tan now. The bronze skin contrasted beautifully with his blue eyes and crisp white shirt. The tailored jacket fit him like a glove.

“How was your day?” I asked once he’d climbed in.

“Half my brain was still in the Maldives.”

“So was mine.” I smiled, but then the corners of my mouth dropped as I remembered the conversation with Nigel. “One of my colleagues is suspicious of our marriage.”

“What makes you think that?” he asked calmly, eyes on the road.

“He asked about your green card. I’m wondering if the immigration services been asking around at the office.”

“Okay. Okay. If they think it’s a sham marriage, they’d tell us.”

“Not right away. They’ll investigate first.”

Hunter pressed his head against the headrest. At a red light, he turned to look at me, touching my cheek.

“Josie, we’ll figure it out together, okay? We’ll convince everyone this is real, don’t worry.”

“How will you do that? Kiss the living daylights out of me in front of everyone? Like you did in front of Nick?”

His voice was hard. “He was looking at you as if he still has a claim on you. I had to do something about that.”

Will you look at that. Hunter Caldwell was jealous. I felt like a terrible person, but I was secretly enjoying it. Well... apparently not so secretly, because Hunter narrowed his eyes at me.

“You fiend,” he said.

“You kiss me shamelessly in front of a coworker, and I’m the fiend?”

“Yes. Because you’re enjoying the fact that I’m jealous.”

“Drive, Caldwell. The light turned green.”

I was grinning as he turned his focus on the road, feeling ridiculously giddy. Keep your feet on the ground, Josie.

This... thing was still new, and who knew how long it would last. Hunter had never thought about having a family, he’d said so repeatedly. Would we go back to being friends after the three years were over?

I was slowly beginning to understand that there was no way our friendship would remain the same after all was said and done. I didn’t think it was possible to forget all this. At least, not for me.

Chapter Twenty-One


Amelia opened the door, looking at both of us with a huge smile.

“There are the newlyweds. Come in and tell us everything about the honeymoon. Is the long flight worth it?”

“It absolutely is,” Josie answered. “And if possible, take a scuba diving course. It’s so surreal to be underwater, so close to all those forms of life you normally don’t see. Even Mr. Grumpy Ass here enjoyed himself.”

She grinned proudly. I wanted to kiss her right there, right now, and I wouldn’t be quick. She deserved the kind of kiss that made her feel ashamed for calling me that in front of Amelia.

“I don’t believe that. You talked Hunter into that?”

“Yes, ma’am, I did. And he even enjoyed himself.”

“I never said that,” I replied.

Josie narrowed her eyes. “So you went with me on all five trips... why?”

“Just being a good husband, that’s all.”

She held her hand in front of her mouth, leaning into Amelia as if she was about to whisper a secret.

“Don’t mind him. He had fun. I have photographic evidence.”

She smiled brighter, showing her dimples. Fucking hell, that happy smile got to me like nothing else. I made a mental note to immediately plan our next getaway. Nothing too far, but just enough so she could relax. Besides, I had an inkling that once she got the traveling bug, there would be no stopping her. She just didn’t know it yet.

Just as I didn’t know that I would actually enjoy scuba diving. I had thought I’d panic the minute I submerged under water, but funny thing was, I’d never felt more relaxed. Following the instructor’s lead, aware that I couldn’t influence anything happening around us was... liberating.

“I’m planning to print some albums. I noticed you have many with various family events. Do you want me to make one for you?”

“I’d love that.”

I looked at this strange creature, wondering how she could be this thoughtful, how she’d known exactly what Amelia would want.

I was pissed about her coworker giving her shit. I didn’t want her to have to deal with this. She was mine to protect and take care of. She was my wife.

For now.

I had to remind myself that this was temporary. But could it be forever? It scared me how much I wanted the answer to be yes.

“Come on, you two, part of the gang is already here. The rest should arrive soon,” Amelia said. “Don’t give me any more details Copyright 2016 - 2024