You're The One (Very Irresistible Bachelors #1) - Layla Hagen Page 0,52

conflicted or what? Part of my brain was still on the Maldives, relaxing in the sun. It would take me a few days to readjust to the breakneck speed of a law firm.

The day became more stressful by the hour, though. My to-do list was growing by leaps and bounds every time I read a new email, and it didn’t help that my brain was working at a slug’s pace.

Around lunch, I shot Hunter a text.

Josie: How’s your day? My brain is trying to sabotage me. Instead of focusing on statutes, I keep daydreaming about white sand and cocktails and just lying in the sun doing nothing.

Hunter: But not daydreaming about ME? :-)

I laughed, staring at the screen.

Josie: Just a little :)

Hunter: You’re jet-lagged, that’s why focusing is harder. It’ll get better in a few days.

Josie: Hope so, because I’m out of tricks. Already went over my daily dose of caffeine, and I’m still half asleep :-(

Hunter: It’ll get better. I promise.

I was determined to make the best out of the day, so I massaged my temples, smelled the small lavender bag I kept on my desk, and attacked my to-do list with renewed focus.

Half an hour later, I was distracted by a delivery guy calling my name. I poked my head out of the office, waving at him.

“That’s me.”

He’d made so much ruckus that even some of the others had poked their heads out.

“I have a delivery for you, Ms. Gallagher. From Deli’s.”

My mouth watered. Deli’s baked some of the best chocolate cakes in town.

“But I didn’t order... I didn’t even know you did delivery.”

“We don’t. But Mr. Caldwell was very convincing.”

“Thank you!”

Hunter had sent me sweets? OH MY GOD. Why hadn’t I married him before? I took the bag, not even bothering to tone down my excitement. Deliveries at the firm were 95 percent documents. But this was something else, so it accounted for some excitement. Two of my colleagues whistled, and one called out, “Already running for Husband of the Year? Well done.”

I was giddy as I retreated to my office. I admired the sweet treat, considering for about three seconds if I should share with my coworkers before settling on Hell, no. This was all for me. I dug in and didn’t stop until the carton was empty and I’d licked the spoon clean.

I was just about to throw everything away when my phone lit up with an incoming message.

Hunter: Would love to see a picture of you and the cake right now.

He thought I still had cake? Ha! He didn’t know me as well as he thought, then.

I took a selfie with the empty carton. I hadn’t dabbed at the corners of my mouth yet, so I still had some chocolate there.

I looked like a three-year-old who’d stuffed her face in a hurry so she wouldn’t be caught. But the man had requested photographic evidence, and since I’d practically inhaled the cake, that was the best I could do.

Hunter: You’re already done? Hell, woman, I should’ve sent you more.

Josie: I’ll never say no to more cake. Thank you.

Hunter: You said you needed help. What are husbands for but coming to the rescue? :)

I was melting. Yep. Utterly and completely melting.

Josie: Smart man. Had to protect it. (that’s why I ate quickly). My entire office got wind of it.

I went out to lunch with Nigel, one of my other colleagues who was on the fast track to become partner.

“So, we didn’t have time to chat since you’ve been back. How was your honeymoon?”

Odd question, since Nigel and I weren’t friends. One could say we were in direct competition, even though the firm was big enough that both of us would eventually become partners. They only promoted once a year, though, which meant that one of us would get there first.

“Honestly, it was great. Everything looks just as in pictures: the sand, the water. I could’ve stayed there for a whole month.”

“Ugh, wouldn’t want to fall behind on work, though. I only took two days off last year for a wedding and promised myself I wouldn’t do it again until I made partner. It’s just not worth it.”

“Recharging from time to time is good,” I said, ignoring the jab. “Besides, it was my honeymoon.”

We found an empty table by the window and sat opposite each other.

“So, this moved fast. We didn’t know you were seeing someone seriously.”

Why was he still asking about personal issues? We usually discussed cases and our bosses.

“It just happened,” I said in a Copyright 2016 - 2024