You're The One (Very Irresistible Bachelors #1) - Layla Hagen Page 0,36

last long, because the DJ announced it was time for the first dance.

“Ready, Mrs. Josie Gallagher?” Hunter asked.

I laughed, taking his hand. There was a pep in my step as we headed toward the dance floor.

“You’re not going to get over the fact that I didn’t take your name anytime soon, are you?” I asked once he placed an arm around my waist. I was trying to distract myself, to focus on anything other than how close he was. It was to no avail; his presence was inescapable.

“I plan to make you feel guilty about it for a long time.”

“No chance. I have zero guilt about not further inflating your ego. You think you have too much swagger anyway.”

“Let me prove my swagger then, wife.”

I shuddered at the word. I’d never imagined Hunter would say that word to anyone, much less to me. I’d been looking forward to the dance this morning, but now my hormones were still in overdrive from the kiss earlier. Even the barest of touches set me on the edge, and I wasn’t sure I could dance with him and not give myself away.

When Hunter held me even tighter, I knew I didn’t stand a chance. He’d take one look at me and just know.

“Thank God you made me practice,” he muttered in my hair after twirling me once.

“See, listen to me. You’ll get far.”

He threw his head back, laughing. “Spoken like a true wife.”

“And your best friend,” I reminded him. He smiled wickedly.

“I’d say you’ve become more daring since you put on that first ring.”

I could hardly dispute that. “Yes, but you seemed to need it, honestly. Besides, I had to get in character.”

He watched me with warm eyes. “You’re the best person I know, Josie. Thank you for doing this. I promise I’ll make the next three years as amazing as possible.”

I wanted to tell him that he better not or I might not want the arrangement to come to an end at all. Instead, I braced myself for the final twirl. Hunter executed the move with perfect precision, just as we’d rehearsed it, but when he pulled me back, he didn’t just catch me...

He kissed me.

I hummed low against his mouth, because I just couldn’t help it. He stroked my tongue lazily, and I couldn’t help but wonder... how was he in bed?

I’d been trying not to think about this, but now I couldn’t keep the thoughts at bay. The way he kissed me... fuck, it was as if he was close to throwing me over his shoulder and leaving the party with me. I had no doubt that Hunter would know how to take care of me, no matter if he loved me slowly or fucked me hard. When he pulled back, there was no mistaking the lust in his eyes.

I danced the whole night. I had so much energy I didn’t think I could sit anyway. I danced with anyone who asked me to. Unfortunately though, our guests were throwing questions at me left and right.

“When did this happen?”

“Have you always been in love with him?”

“How did he propose?”

“Are you pregnant?”

I kept the number of champagne glasses I drank to a minimum, because I wanted my head clear.

For the most part, I had fun. So much fun, in fact, that I had to constantly remind myself this wasn’t really my wedding.

I wasn’t going to go to bed and wake up next to this gorgeous man. One day, another woman would have his ring on her finger, and if we managed to play our eventual divorce as “we were better off as friends,” I’d even be at that wedding, celebrating the happy couple. Instead of cheering me up, the thought made my heart squeeze. Oh, Josie, Josie, Josie, your hormones are wreaking havoc, that’s all. I just had to tell Hunter to stop with the panty-melting kisses. They’d mess with any girl’s head.

I’d tell him just that, starting tomorrow. Tonight, I wanted to enjoy them for a while longer. Once the number of guests dwindled, I indulged a little more in champagne... and in Hunter. I didn’t know if he was buzzed too or if I was feeling everything in a magnified way, but his kisses were becoming a little more frequent. A lot hotter.

By the time we climbed into the car that would take us home, my entire body felt like a livewire. My nipples were too sensitive, pushing against my dress. The pressure between my thighs was unbearable.

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