You Know I Need You (You Are Mine #4) - Willow Winters Page 0,24

her hand, she crosses her legs. “I’m sure she’d love to.”

“Well, actually. I totally forgot to tell you, but I may move in with Jules for a little while so Maddie could really go to town.”

Cocking a brow at me, Sue leans forward with her mouth a bit more open than it should be before she says, “You sure you want to be around to hear them when they … enjoy their newlywed activities? I feel like that’s the number one concern here.”

I roll my eyes. “It was Mason’s suggestion, so I’m sure he …” Ugh. The thought of them doing it in the room next to me is a thought I’d rather not picture.

“I get it,” Sue says, sensing exactly what was on my mind. “You shouldn’t be alone, though. Not when you have so many people who love you.”

I shut down my computer and give her a tight smile. “That’s basically what Jules said.”

She adds, “Good. Because you’re not alone, and there’s no reason you should feel it right now.”

Today’s been so much better than the last few and Sue’s sweetness threatens to change that. “Damn it, Sue, stop it,” I admonish her and shake off the unwanted emotions as they creep up on me. “I’m fine.”

“I know you are!” she says, pushing herself up from the seat. “And that’s why we’re going to go out and go somewhere fabulous.”

My phone dings on the desk, indicating a text as I start to tell Sue that I don’t really think I want to go out.

Holding back a yawn, I cautiously look at the message. I’ve had four texts today already. Each from a gossip column editor wanting a statement or my reaction to the recent events. Evan’s been spotted with Samantha again and the rumor mill is churning with tales of scandal.

They can go screw themselves. I believe that was my response to each of the columnists. Probably not the best quote I’ve ever given. He promised he wouldn’t see her. I guess I got my sign.

“You okay?” Sue asks, and I nod when I see it’s a text from Henry this time.

He messages me almost every other day, which makes the fact that Evan hasn’t bothered to call me back that much harder to take.

“Just Evan’s dad. Wanting to drop by with some lemons.”

“Lemons?” she questions.

“He said they helped Marie when she was pregnant and nauseated.”

“But you aren’t …” Sue trails off with a hint of confusion.

“I know!” I answer jokingly as I text Henry, Thank you, but I’m fine. Really it’s sweet of you but I’m not nauseated. I wonder if I should ask him how Evan is. Where he is. Or anything at all.

Before I can, he answers that he wants to meet for lunch soon.

“You know, he’s really sweet,” I tell Sue, feeling guilty and torn about what to do.

“So, that’s where his son got his charm from then?” Sue asks sarcastically then mouths she’s sorry when she sees I’m not amused.

“I’ll just tell him I will, but I can always bail,” I reason out loud as if I need her approval.

“Yeah, that’s a good way to handle it.” She nods with pursed lips then looks me up and down. “You should probably put real clothes on.”

“How fancy?” I ask her, setting the phone down as I realize I’m still in sweats and a baggy T-shirt.

“Let’s go fancy, fancy.” I hope she can see how the thought of getting prettied up makes me perk up. I could really use a night out, feeling beautiful and carefree. I’ll just pretend I don’t feel like falling asleep at the table.

“Fancy-pantsing it up tonight?” I ask, already feeling better than I did before she got here.

“You know it.”

Chapter 12


All I can focus on are his tells.

You learn them fast in the line of business that led me to this moment. The sweat on his brow. The way his right foot won’t stay still. His dilated pupils and quick breathing.

He’s one of two things: high as a fucking kite, or going through withdrawal.

Judging by the look on this prick’s face, James Lapour is fiending for his next hit.

I peek over my shoulder. His office is on the first floor. There are apartments above us and plenty of witnesses in case some shit goes down. More importantly, just outside those doors is Mason, sitting in his car and waiting for me in case I need him.

I’ve got two goals in coming here like this.

Warn him to back the fuck off.

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