You Know I Need You (You Are Mine #4) - Willow Winters Page 0,19

her and she’s quick to nod, but then her face falls.

“Shit,” she whispers, her eyes focused on something behind me and I whip my head around to see what she’s looking at.

“It was him,” she says then covers her mouth. “Shit,” she repeats with tears in her eyes.

“He can’t hurt you.” I turn around and keep an arm behind me to protect her. My eyes search the crowd, but I don’t see him.

Her hands tug at my arm, pulling me back to her. Her bright red lips glisten as she licks them and tells me, “He went down to the subway, but he saw us. I know he did. At least I think he did,” she says then closes her eyes tightly and takes a step back. “It was definitely him.”

“Is he following you?” Her eyes are still on the subway entrance and her body’s still as she holds her breath.

“I don’t know.” Her bright blue gaze flickers to mine as she says, “I’m scared, Evan.”

“You should go to the cops, Sam—” I start to tell her she needs to protect herself, and if she doesn’t trust the cops she can always hire private security, but she cuts me off.

“It’s not me. I’m not worried about me. If he thinks you know, you’re not safe.”

“I don’t care what he thinks. Or what he thinks I know.” I stare into her eyes as I tell her, “I’ll kill him before he touches either one of us again.”

Chapter 9


He knows what he’s doing.

Jacob Scott.

Coffee? I could use some advice. I reread the message as I sit in a booth at the back of the coffee shop we met at last time.

His place, not mine. The thought makes me huff sarcastically.

My blood rings with guilt and regret. Even as I sit here, looking from my cup of chamomile tea to the entrance of the shop as the bell hanging above the front door rings, granting entry to temptation himself.

I should tell Jacob I’m pregnant. That I’m not at all ready to think about moving on, although I wish I were after the weeks of hell and on-again, off-again hardships Evan and I have been through. I should tell Jacob no. I should tell him sorry for not telling him sooner.

But I don’t do any of that.

I give him a small wave and force my smile to stay put as he walks over to me. His shoulders shiver and I can feel the faint chill of the November air flow through the shop.

“I’m so glad you could come,” Jacob says, greeting me with a smile, shrugging his jacket off his shoulders. I offer a smile in return as I see the waitress approach, carrying the cup of chai I bought for him.

“You have good timing,” I tell him, biting the inside of my cheek and knowing I’m playing with fire. “Now I don’t owe you.”

A genuine chuckle fills the space between us as he’s given his drink.

“Touché, Kat,” he says, accepting it and thanking the barista.

I mouth thanks to her as she turns. She’s sweet and young, but I don’t miss how her gaze trails to my ring finger, then to his. She keeps her smile in place, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.

My heart stutters and I wish I’d taken my wedding ring off. I wish I could solidify the separation as easily as Evan walked out on me.

“You okay?” Jake asks and grabs my attention again.

“Yeah.” I force a smile to my lips. The singular word was spoken tightly, so I pick up the tea to take a sip.

I clear my throat and try to shake off the unwanted feelings. “Do you want a muffin?” I ask him absently. “Or a cookie?”

I read last night about all the foods you should and shouldn’t eat when you’re pregnant. Oatmeal seems to be a winner, so the thought of having an oatmeal raisin cookie or two sounds like a win to me.

“A cookie?” Jake smirks and I almost tell him why. But I don’t. I gesture to the display cases; I can’t be the only one who smells all the baked goods.

“You got the drinks, let me get the snacks.”

“Oatmeal raisin?” I ask him and he nods with another smirk before tapping on the table and making his way to the counter.

I stare down at my not-so-big-yet belly and feel slightly guilty. An onlooker may think I look bloated. There’s zero evidence I’m pregnant at all. Other than the box of pregnancy tests. I’ve Copyright 2016 - 2024