You Had Me at Hola - Alexis Daria Page 0,77

when he recorded Victor’s songs.

The production had moved him to a different hotel for a few days so he could get away from the media circus and be closer to the music studio and the tiny downtown clubs where they’d shot footage of him singing live as Victor. After the agonizing “just friends” interviews and the increased presence of photographers on the way to ScreenFlix Studios and near the hotel, a change of scenery should’ve made him happy. That magazine article had been a wake-up call, a reminder that he didn’t have room in his life for a romantic relationship. His family was arriving on a plane that very night, and he had to be more careful than ever. There was no way he could sneak around to see them while also sneaking around with Jasmine. It was begging for trouble.

Except that was exactly what he was doing now—sneaking around the set, looking for her. He didn’t even have a good reason for wanting to see her—the excuse he’d made up was that he wanted to tell her about the recording studio. While he’d trained with vocal coaches in the past, working in a sound booth was another thing entirely. He wished she could’ve been there, to discuss the artistic challenges of recording, to cheer him on from the audience while he sang live, or even to join him on stage for a duet, like they’d done during karaoke.

He’d thought being apart from her for a few days would help him get his feelings in check so he could be around her without fantasizing about getting her naked. But deep down, he just wanted to see her. His anxiety had reached new heights as of late, and her presence soothed him. He was falling for her, and it was incredibly inconvenient.

He’d tried to cancel his family’s trip to New York, but Ignacio had chewed him out. Yadi would be crushed, and for what? Because of some bochinche magazine? Unacceptable. And so, the trip was on.

Another reason to see Jasmine now, before all his free time was given over to a travel itinerary written by an eight-year-old. Jasmine would have loved Yadiel’s plan. It had not one, but three pizza places on it.

He swung by the makeup trailer to see if she was there, but when the stylists caught him poking his head in, they dragged him inside to touch up his face powder and hair spray.

“Stop scowling,” the makeup artist scolded him, echoing the words Tanya had said at the Latinx in the Arts Summit. She tapped the space between his eyebrows with a sponge. “You’re getting a crease.”

“Sorry,” he mumbled, then held his breath before getting blasted with a cloud of hair spray.

When they released him, he headed over to check craft services next. Jasmine wasn’t there, but as he was grabbing a carton of water, Marquita pulled him aside.

“The music engineers are thrilled with the results of your sessions,” she told him, grinning. “These songs will be a great addition to the show soundtrack.”

Ashton inclined his head. “I’m glad they turned out well.”

Marquita made a few more comments about the music, and once Ashton was able to get away, he resumed his search for Jasmine.

Had he really wanted more space between them? Fuck that. This space thing wasn’t working for him. To make matters worse, not being able to find her was activating the same irrational fears that popped up when he couldn’t reach his father, the worry that something bad had happened.

Nothing had happened, of course. They were on a set, with tons of people around. Nothing was going to happen. Jasmine was somewhere, and wherever she was, she was safe.

So why couldn’t he find her?

She finally appeared on set at their call time and gave him a breezy smile. “Hey, Ashton. Long time no see.”

“Where were you?” His tone was harsh, and she blinked in surprise. He couldn’t blame her—he had no right to make such demands.

Before he could apologize, she said, “I was in Nino’s trailer with Lily, playing cards. Why, what’s up?”

“Quiet on the set!”

“Nada. Está bien.” Ashton shook it off. He’d catch up with her after they finished shooting.

Before sneaking off to ensure that his family had settled in okay.

Anxiety still simmered, but he let it stay. He could use it in this scene. Climbing the steps to his mark, he let Victor take over.

Chapter 29



Scene: Victor and Carmen debrief after a series of talk show appearances.

EXT: East Harlem, Serranos’ Copyright 2016 - 2024