Yes Chef, No Chef - By Susan Willis Page 0,78

a fabulous place like this?" she asked. "Now, my Tim would have called that a criminal waste..." her voice trailed off sadly and he looked uncomfortably down at his shoes.

"I heard that you’d split up," he muttered. "Sorry, but for what its worth I thought you made a great couple."

She could feel her face blushing but managed to veer him off the subject quite smoothly. "Yes, it was a shame," she replied in a professional manner. "Now; will you be eating outside or in the dining room?"

"Definitely the dining room," he declared cheerfully. "I know the lights are pretty and romantic but it would be just my luck for my hay fever to kick in as I get to the all-important question."

Slipping a long white apron over her jeans and T-shirt she strode back through to the dining room and suggested a few improvements which would change the ambience of the room with candles, lighting, and the position of the chairs. When she’d finished he agreed it certainly created a more romantic feel and he busied himself with bottles of Beaujolais. They chatted amicably and she found out that Jessica didn’t know anything about the engagement – it was going to be a complete surprise.

Hmm, she pondered, preparing the boiled potatoes and buttered peas, she wasn’t sure if she’d like her engagement to take place with a stranger hovering over them and serving a meal. And just as she was thinking of a subtle way to say this to Terry he appeared at the doorway and asked if she would mind waiting in the kitchen until he told her they were ready to eat. She agreed and because the first course was smoked salmon with Bellini’s she knew she could be doing the finishing touches to the bourguignon while they were enjoying their starters. Jessica arrived on time and Terry took her straight through to the lounge.

Katie sat on a stool in the kitchen waiting for the sign to bring out the starters and looked at a small pile of old post lying on the bench. A Christmas card was peeking out from the pile and she let her mind wander back to the year before last when things between her and Tim had been fantastic. On Christmas morning, when she’d opened her gift from him there’d been a small part of her had wished the little green jeweller’s box, which held gold ear rings, would have contained an engagement ring. But then afterwards when she’d really thought it through she’d realised Tim wasn’t the type of guy to do surprises. If he’d wanted to get engaged he would have talked to her first and then arranged a special treat.

She leaned forward on the kitchen bench and cupped her chin in her hands - if things hadn’t gone tragically wrong they might have talked about marriage one day and her mum would have had the big white wedding she still longed to organise. Unlike Sarah though, Katie had never harboured little girl dreams of the dress, the cake, the bridesmaids, and the flowers at the church altar. In fact, being the centre of attention all day with everyone staring at her was something she would feel uncomfortable with but knew she’d have gone along with it, firstly to please her mum, and secondly because Tim was very traditional and would have wanted it all.

Tracing a finger along the smooth curve of the bench she wondered how and why women’s personalities were so different. It wasn’t because she was unromantic but she simply couldn’t get the practical side of her head to understand spending five to six thousand pounds on one day - she’d much rather spend it on travelling or a new car.

Her mobile vibrated in her pocket with a text message which snapped her to attention. It was from Lisa asking how she was doing, and she replied to say she was waiting in the kitchen to serve but it had been over twenty minutes with no sign from them and she was beginning to worry. Lisa replied flippantly suggesting that they could be at each other in the bedroom and how Katie really should find better things to do with her Sunday nights - but when she told Lisa the obscene amount of money he was paying she rapidly changed her mind.

Suddenly Terry popped his head around the door looking flushed and told her they were ready for the starters. Katie carried them through and greeted Jessica who Copyright 2016 - 2024