Year Two: Rebels - Cara Wylde Page 0,13

and that he was a student at Grim Reaper Academy. I still couldn’t remember his name. He’d upset me at some point, I was sure. He’d done something bad, and I’d taken revenge on him.

He must have noticed my confusion, because he said in a whisper: “Yolanda, I’m Seth.”

I laughed awkwardly. “Of course. I knew that!”

He sighed. “Eat.”

That was the only invitation I needed to dig in. For the next few minutes, I focused on my food and the incredible flavors delighting my tongue. He’d also brought me a tall glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, and I drank almost all of it in one go. I would’ve never guessed the cooks at the Karmic Asylum were capable of preparing actual food, let alone truly filling, delicious food. Most days, they served us plain rice, a questionable vegetable mush, and baked potatoes, if we were lucky. No wonder I was so thin that a gust of wind could’ve lifted me off the ground.

Seth sat on the edge of my bed and watched. I could sense he was in a hurry but didn’t want to disturb the only moment of delight I was experiencing since he, Adrian, and Davien had committed me into this ancient, crumbling madhouse. That couldn’t be right, though. They didn’t have the power to hospitalize me. It was entirely possible that Headmaster Colin had made the decision, or worse… the Supernatural Council! I didn’t want to think about it. I finished my breakfast, swallowed each and every bite like it was my last one, and licked the plates before pushing the tray aside and turning to Seth.

“Thank you.”

“My pleasure, normie.”

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips. “Normie” sounded familiar. It sounded like something that connected me to the life I’d had before the Karmic Asylum. I had a feeling that I hadn’t liked it back then, but now… it sounded different to my ears. It sounded like I belonged to something or someone outside of this place.

“I’m sorry, I’m not feeling great today,” I decided to break the ice. It was clear that he had things to tell me and didn’t know where to begin. “I have days when I remember more. This isn’t one of them.”

He furrowed his brows. “What they’re doing to you is not right. I know a mage who works for the Institute. He is a family friend. He once told me what goes into the potions they pass as medication. Roots and herbs that are meant to dull the senses, erase not only the memory, but also a supernatural’s powers. They keep the patients sedated, compliant, and helpless. But it’s okay, they say.” His tone turned sarcastic. “It’s for your own good, because you’re all a danger to yourselves and others.” He huffed. “They’re not trying to help you. They’re not trying to make you better, so you might one day rejoin society. This isn’t a hospital. It’s a prison!”

“Shh…” He’d raised his voice, and the last thing I wanted was for someone to hear him. I was sure Nurse T hadn’t gone far. I pressed the tips of my fingers to his lips. We stayed like that for a minute. The feel of his breath on my skin fascinated me. “Shh…” I repeated, although he was perfectly silent.

The next thing he did took me by surprise. He kissed my fingertips, then moved closer, until our noses almost touched. I could feel his minty breath on my face, and he could feel mine. I licked my lips, and before my tongue disappeared back between them, he leaned in and kissed me. I closed my eyes and kissed him back eagerly, my trembling hands finding their way into his raven black hair. Our tongues met and danced together, and the more we kissed, the more grounded I felt. I realized this was the first time I was kissing Seth Khepri. The time and place weren’t ideal, but it was happening, and I was going to enjoy it.

His hands snuck under the blanket. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. Our lips parted, and he immediately proceeded to kiss along my jawline until he reached my earlobe. He pulled it between his teeth, and I shuddered. I pressed myself against his chest, feeling like my core was on fire. I was wet, needy, and I didn’t care that what we were doing could have consequences. As he kissed down my neck, I started to remember…

Seth, Davien, and a Copyright 2016 - 2024