Xavier Cold (Hard Knocks #2) - Michelle A. Valentine Page 0,69

has to say and inform him that he’s about to become a father whether he’s with me or not.

Chapter 26


I take a deep breath as I dial the number to the talent manager of Tension and say a little prayer this plan of mine works.

It’s been over two weeks since I’ve talked to Anna. I don’t blame her for not answering any of my calls. I would’ve given up on me too, and as hard as I’ve tried to get her out of my head, I can’t. Even if I’m not with her, I need to be around her to make sure she’s okay. I need to get back on the road in order to do that because being here in Detroit and not being able to see her is driving me even fucking more nuts.

A voice answers on the other end of the line on the second ring. “Seaborne.”

I clear my throat, and for the first time in a long time, I’m nervous. “Hey, Chip. It’s X.”

“X, my man, what can I do for you?”

Next to Mr. Silverman, Chip Seaborne is the highest in the chain of command when it comes to what goes down at Tension as far as the talent is concerned. If I can get him on board to take Corey on and allow me off my suspension to train him, I’ll be able to be with Anna again—away from Bishop and the danger he poses to her.

“I wanted to talk to you about lifting my suspension.”

Chip sighs into the phone. “The boss was pretty clear about you being off the show for a while. Besides, the storyline for your rivalry with Rex has already been set into motion.”

“I realize that, but I’m not asking to come back to get into the ring just yet.”

“Now you’ve piqued my interest. Continue.”

“Well, since I’ve been off, I’ve been training back at my old gym in Detroit, and I think I found a kid who has some talent. He’s still pretty green, but with the right training, I think he’s got the stuff,” I explain.

“And how does this involve you?” he questions.

“I’d like to help train him, but in order to do that, I need to get my formal suspension removed so I can come back into the areas Tension will be.”

Chip’s quiet for a few moments, but then the sound of a rush of air hits the phone. “All right, I’ll make it happen, but, X, I’m sticking my neck out here, so this kid better be worth it.”

“Thanks, Chip. I appreciate it. I’ll have him at the next show in Portland.” I grin as I hit the button to end the call.

I turn to where Corey and Cole sit on the edge of the ring, waiting for me to give them the verdict.

Corey leans forward, every inch of him anxious to hear the news. “Well? What’d he say?”

My mouth pulls up into a one-sided grin, and I can’t hide how fucking happy the news makes me. “Pack your bags, asshole. We’re going to Portland.”

Corey pumps his fist in the air before he runs over and throws his arms around me in a huge bear hug. “Thank you. This would’ve never happened without you. I promise to make you proud.”

It feels good to help him this way. I see a lot of myself in Corey, and if it hadn’t been for people helping me out in this fucked-up world, I would probably be dead by now.

I thump him on the back just before he releases me. “I know you will.”

Everything from the plane ride to being in a taxi is a new experience for Corey. The kid’s never been out of Detroit, so every little fucking thing amazes the kid. I swear to God he would be poking his head out the window like an excited dog if I would allow it.

“Wow, look at how fucking green it is here,” Corey says as he stares out the window of the cab. “All you see in Detroit is concrete and garbage.”

I’ve traveled the world with Tension, but it was only about ten years ago when everything amazed me too, so I let the kid have his moment.

We pull up to a motel about fifteen blocks away from the place where all the other talent is staying and get out of the cab. Staying in a run-down dive won’t bother Corey in the slightest because he lives much rougher than this, but it’s hard for me to go back to

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