Xavier Cold (Hard Knocks #2) - Michelle A. Valentine Page 0,64

crew has made toward me and Anna, the safer Anna will be. God knows I don’t need anyone getting any ideas to join in on the action in order to prove loyalty to Bishop.

I know it makes me a fucking asshole for not taking Anna’s calls, but I’m doing it for her own good even though it’s killing me to let her go.

Chapter 23


It’s been two days since I’ve found out about being pregnant, and the shock hasn’t worn off yet. The days passing by also means it’s been two additional days since I’ve heard from Xavier.

I guess my warning of the certain demise of our relationship if he doesn’t call me back wasn’t enough to motivate him to reach out to me.

A tear slips down my cheek, and I quickly bat it away as I finish curling my hair. Xavier warned me from the beginning that he wasn’t a good guy, and that I shouldn’t trust him, but I didn’t listen.

I thought through it all there was a good guy who had a heart of gold beneath that exterior level of toughness. Seems my gut was wrong about him because here I sit in a hotel room, alone, across the country from the city I call home now, and Xavier doesn’t even have the decency to call and check on me. He’s the only person in the world I want to talk to about this baby, and all the emotions I’m feeling—happiness, sadness, fear—but he’s making that impossible.

It crushes me that he could be so cold. Why would my heart allow me to fall in love with someone who didn’t really care about me like I thought? Turns out, he’s an excellent actor in and out of the ring.

I’ve talked to Quinn, and I’ve almost confided in her about the baby, but it won’t be right if she knows about the baby before Xavier does.

My cell rings and I answer and put it on speaker. “Hello?”

“Hey, Anna. I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes. Would you like for me to come to your room to escort you to the vehicle?” Jorge asks, his manners ever present.

“That’s sweet of you, but I’ll meet you downstairs because they charge an arm and a leg to park at this hotel because it’s downtown.”

“You sure?” he asks with a bit of skepticism in his voice. “It’s really no trouble for me to come up and make sure you’re safe.”

“I’m positive,” I reply as I shut off my curling iron and double check my makeup. “This hotel is perfectly safe.”

“All right. I’ll see you in a bit.”

We end our call, and it finally hits me that I’m about to face Jorge after the way I ran away from him. A jitter passes through me, but I quickly shake it off, reminding myself it’s okay to be tough and live life the way I want.

I double check the modest, black cocktail dress I’m wearing and hope I’m not overdressed for wherever Jorge is taking me for dinner.

After waiting in the lobby a few minutes, Jorge’s blue Audi rounds the drive in front of the hotel. I grin, elated to see a friendly face, as I step outside, and Jorge appears on the other side of the car.

He rounds the front of the car in a few long strides as he makes his way over to me. His black hair is a touch longer than the normal crew cut he usually sports, but it’s not out of place with the gray suit he’s wearing. If anything, it makes it appear more stylish.

Jorge’s dark eyes roam over me before moving back up to lock on my face. “Wow, Anna. You look amazing. You’re practically glowing.”

I smile, knowing he really means the compliment because Jorge isn’t one to stray from the truth. “Thank you. You as well. I love the hair. It’s really working for you.”

He grins and his perfectly white teeth practically sparkle as he runs his fingers through the strands on the top of his head. “Thanks. It’s the longest it’s been in years. My father hates it.”

I laugh, knowing that Jorge’s father is the pastor of my family’s church and has some pretty strict rules when it comes to the appearance of his children. Jorge rebelling a bit with the hair has to be getting under his skin.

Jorge reaches down and opens the door for me. “Ready?”

I nod and slide inside the seat.

Jorge puts the transmission in drive and we set out onto the busy

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