Xavier Cold (Hard Knocks #2) - Michelle A. Valentine Page 0,51

four missed texts.

I click on the message icon and chuckle. Quinn was the last person to text me, and without even clicking on the full message, I can see she’s waiting on me to call her.

Quinn: Hello?

Quinn: Call me every day while you’re on the road. Does this ring a bell?

I shake my head as I type my reply.

Anna: Sorry. Busy schedule since I landed. Heading to bed now. Will call in the morning.

Even though it’s only eight in the evening here on the West Coast, I’m still on Detroit time. I yawn as I click the next message. It causes me to bite my lip with anticipation since Xavier and I didn’t exactly part on a happy note.

Xavier: Glad you’re safe. Hope Liv found you okay.

Xavier: Going to bed. Totally beat. I know the time change sucks for you, but if you need to talk, call anytime. Love you.

His words make me smile. Even when we fight, he’s still sweet, making me miss him even more. If I were back in Detroit, I would have him cornered by now, forcing him to spill whatever it is that he’s been hiding from me, the thing that’s caused this weird rift between us. Once whatever it is comes to light, I know we’ll be able to fix it together.

I shoot a reply to him, wanting to let him know I’m thinking about him.

Anna: I’ll call you tomorrow. Get some rest. You looked beat today. Miss you like crazy and love you.

I stuff my phone into my back pocket as the elevator stops on my floor. I’m exhausted myself and can’t wait to lay down. I fish my room card out of pocket, and when my eyes snap up to read the numbers on the doors, they lock on Rex’s dark eyes.

My back stiffens when I see the one man I’ve been dreading to face ever since I discovered I would have to come on the road without Xavier. Rex’s long dark hair is pulled back into a low ponytail. A yellow hue tints the underside of his eyes, a remnant of Xavier breaking his nose, and several small bruises are on his chin and arms. Other than that, he appears to be in pretty good shape. Rex should be thankful Tension’s bouncer, Freddie, was there to pull Xavier off of him before Xavier could inflict a lot more damage.

His eyes twinkle as an evil smile dances across his lips. “There’s my girl.”

“Stop it,” I order. “I’m not your girl.”

His smile widens. “Of course you are. For the next three months while Xavier is gone, you’ll be on my arm while on camera...and off camera, too, if you play your cards right.”

I roll my eyes as I attempt to step around him in the hall. “You disgust me.”

“That’s interesting.” He smirks. “Xavier can fuck half the women in this company, yet I’m the disgusting one. I find that a little hypocritical coming from you.”

Even though I know it’s probably true, the mention of Xavier being with a lot of women turns my stomach. I don’t enjoy that thought being thrown in my face. In some ways, I’m just as bad as Xavier in some ways when it comes to the jealousy department.

The thing about this conversation though is that I know Rex is trying to mess with me in a lame attempt at pushing Xavier’s buttons even though he’s on the other side of the country.

I try one more time to step around Rex, wanting nothing more than to get away from him. “Would you please stop getting in front of me?”

Rex defensively throws his hands up. “All you have to do is say please. I like it when beautiful women beg. It’s my weakness.”

I shove past him and don’t even bother to engage in an argument.

I swipe my key in the door and then shove down the handle.

“Oh, Anna,” Rex calls in a singsong voice, “I’ll be right next door if you want to work on that kiss of ours that’s happening tomorrow night.”

“Fuck you, Rex.” I square my shoulders and march into my room, cutting off my contact with the man that can get under my skin quicker than any other man I’ve ever met.

I waste no time in getting ready for bed. Tomorrow will be a busy day, and I know I’ll need all the sleep I can get if I’m going to survive it.

I set my alarm on my phone for eight in the morning, and just before

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