Xavier Cold (Hard Knocks #2) - Michelle A. Valentine Page 0,36

didn’t do it out of the goodness of his heart. Every scrap he gave me, I earned it by doing his dirty work, like beating money out of people who owed him.

When he sees there’s not going to be any open-armed reunion, his smile disappears, and he motions toward the couch where he just came from. “Come in. Let’s talk.”

“You’re wasting your time, Bishop. Whatever it is you want from me, the answer is no. Like I told Kai, I don’t have any money. I have nothing of any value to you.”

He squares his shoulders and meets my stare head-on. “As you can see, money, I have. What I need is a legitimate name, so I can open a business—a real nightclub—to pass my money through. And seeing as how you’re on the straight and narrow now, I think you’re the man I’ve been looking for.”

It’s common practice in the drug world to have businesses to make the large amounts of money moving through hands appear clean, and I have no desire to get mixed up with anything that could hurt my wrestling career.

I lick my lips. “No, not going to happen.”

Bishop’s eyes flit to Kai, who shrugs.

“I told you, man,” Kai says. “This isn’t the same X who ran with us.”

Bishop sighs. “I was hoping things wouldn’t have to get nasty, but I need this, X. I need you to do this for me, and I’m afraid I won’t take no for an answer.”

Even though the threat doesn’t sound so menacing the way he presents it, there’s no doubt in my mind that it’s a vicious one. I need to tread carefully with what I say next because Bishop seems to have quite a bit of power around here now. That still doesn’t mean I’m going to give in to him though.

“I’m sorry. I can’t help you out. I’m not the right partner for you,” I say.

Bishop shoves his glasses up the tip of his nose. “Are you close to that bitch of yours?”

Anger rolls through me, and I clench my fists at my sides. “Don’t,” I growl. “She’s off-limits to you.”

“Now, that depends. If you agree to do as I’ve asked, then your Anna won’t be touched by me or the crew, but refuse”—Bishop lifts one shoulder as he pokes his bottom lip out a fraction—“and it’ll be open season on her.”

“Touch her, and I will fucking kill you.”

Bishop throws his head back and laughs. “There’s the X I knew.”

There’s nothing more I want at this very moment than to bash his face in with my fists, but I’ve got enough sense to know that if I do that—Cole being a witness to seeing me take off with Kai—I won’t be walking out of this place.

“Here’s the situation, X. You’re going to cooperate with me and help me get the nightclub going. You will invest some of your money, and your name will be on all the legal stuff.”

My nostrils flare as I allow him to talk, knowing full well that I’ll never go along with what he says.

Bishop straightens his suit jacket. “Now all of that is taken care of, sit down with me, and let’s have a celebratory drink.”

“No. I’m good.”

“All right then.” He gives Kai a pointed look before turning back to me. “Your ride will be out front.”

I begin to head back the way I came when Bishop’s voice stops me dead in my tracks, “Tell Anna hello for me.”

I flex my fingers, and as hard as it is for me to walk away, I know I have to.

Wandering through the bodies to make it to the exit, the only thing I can think of is how thankful I am that Anna will soon be back on the road and far away from this city. As much as I hate to admit it, I would much rather risk her being around Rex without me than her being here in this city with me while Bishop has her in his sights.

I shove open the metal door leading outside, and I find a white Mercedes waiting with the engine running. The windows are tinted, so I can’t tell who’s waiting inside.

The passenger window rolls down, and a familiar face leans over and smiles.

“Hello, X.”

Angie Martinez, a girl I used to fuck around with back in the day, is sitting behind the steering wheel.

I scrub my hand down my face. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

“Get in,” she says.

I glance around, but there’s no other option

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