Xavier Cold (Hard Knocks #2) - Michelle A. Valentine Page 0,12

haven’t heard from her in a couple of days, and then I get a text from her, saying to pick you guys up from the airport. What’s the deal? I didn’t think you guys would be back in Detroit for a while. Are you in trouble over that wrestler you beat up in the ring? Tons of rumors have been floating around the Internet, all mentioning the fight got out of hand and turned real.”

“Quinn!” I scold her for being so damn nosy, but I know it’s in her nature to pry. With her inquiring mind, she’s like the epitome of a gossip magazine.

I’m not even sure if Xavier is allowed to talk about what actually happened, not that I think Quinn would run off and reveal the truth about the situation to anyone. Tension has done a lot to get this incident swept under the rug, so I don’t want Xavier to say anything that might jeopardize that.

Quinn glances at me through her rearview mirror. “What? Can I not ask that? I just want to make sure that you’re safe with him, Anna. You’re my cousin, and it’s my responsibility to look out for you since you’re new to this whole living-on-your-own thing.”

I smile and place my hand on her shoulder. “Rest assured, he’s taking good care of me.”

In the rearview mirror, I spot her eyes stealing a quick glance at Xavier before turning back to the road.

“That’s good to hear. I would hate to be forced to figure out a way to kick the big guy’s ass,” she says.

Xavier turns his head, and a playful smile lights up his side profile. “Threats of violence? Really?”

Quinn shrugs. “We Cortez women stick together. If you fuck with one of us, you’d better be prepared to have your eyes clawed out because we work in packs.”

This earns her a full-on deep rumble of a laugh from him. “Remind me never to piss either one of you off then. I’m partial to my eyesight since these eyes allow me to view Anna’s beautiful body.”

“Aw,” Quinn gushes. “That’s so sweet, but you are completely avoiding my question.”

I bite my tongue to keep myself from saying anything. It’s not my place to tell Xavier’s business, so I sit back and give him time to address her.

“It’s like this, Quinn,” Xavier starts. “I’m so damn good at my job that everyone who watched my last live match is now convinced that I actually hurt Assassin.”

“But you didn’t?” she questions as she turns onto the freeway.

Xavier shakes his head. “No. He was hurt because I hit him a little too hard, but what happened in the ring had all been planned out, and it was a part of the show. I was just an idiot who’s strength hurt someone.”

She’s quiet. At first, I don’t think she buys his story, but then she nods with a thoughtful expression on her face.

“That seems plausible. It looked real though. Hell, even I bought into it because I know that you’ve had some beef with him in the past.”

“How do you know that?” he asks, clearly intrigued at how Quinn has that information.

I know he’s probably thinking that I told her about the Rex situation, but I didn’t. Quinn was always too worried about my sexual relationship with Xavier for me to even discuss his workplace drama with her.

She shrugs. “The Internet. I’ll admit that I proficiently stalked you before I granted you the okay to spend a lot of time with Anna.”

Xavier turns his head toward my cousin, and a smirk crosses his face. “I’m glad you’re looking out for her. It’s good to know that Anna’s safety is a priority for us both.”

I smile, thinking about how two of my favorite people in the world want to protect me. It’s nice to know that they love me that much.

We make small talk as Xavier directs Quinn off the freeway and through all the streets leading us to Nettie’s diner. We turn the last corner, and the restaurant comes into view. It’s standing just the same as we left it a few weeks ago with its white brick exterior and the blue sign hanging over the entrance that simply reads, Diner. This is Xavier’s comfort spot, the place that feels like home to him, which is why he leaves his motorcycle parked in the shed at the back of the building.

Nettie and Carl are two people he trusts. They are more like parents to him than friends.

Quinn parks in

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