X: Command Me through Alexander's Eyes - Geneva Lee Page 0,83

the sheer fabric. It’s the only stitch of clothing left on her body.

We collide, unable to stand another moment of separation. I lift her into my arms, her legs circling me possessively as I carry her to the bed. Our tongues tangle, seeking the answers we can only find in each other. Laying her across the bed, I straighten and unbuckle my belt.

“Tell me you’re mine,” I command as I slide it free and push my trousers to the floor.

“Always,” she promises as I step between her legs and take what’s mine.

Chapter Thirty-One

Clara Bishop is going to be the death of me, I decide as I pause to take in the poor excuse for a skirt she’s wearing. It hits mid-thigh, but the wind from an open window catches it, lifting just enough for me to catch a glimpse of her ass before her hand flattens it down. I’m going to buy her one in every color. She turns and catches me drinking her in.

She’s frowning.

“Have you decided to run?”

She’d asked me to leave last night after a few hours in bed. Part of me wanted to, but more than ever, I know that we need to stick this out. The only way we make it through this is together. She seems to consider my question longer than I’d like before shaking her head.

I cross to her, pleased, and trail a finger down her skirt. “This needs to come off later.”

“Cancel the hunt, and you can take it off now,” she tempts me.

“I’ll only be gone for two or three hours.” I force myself to stay cool. I don’t want to leave her here with them any more than I want to go with the others.

“That’s long enough for them to eat me alive.” She pulls at her too-short skirt.

“I’m told they’re serving sandwiches.” The joke falls flat. “But I’ll remind them that they have to answer to me if anyone upsets you.”

She considers, her head tilting and sending her thick brown hair curls swirling over her shoulders.

“You’ve got that wicked gleam in your eyes, Clara. What are you thinking?”

“Nothing.” She brushes a hand across my chest, but the glint remains.

“Something tells me that you’re going to be fine.” Maybe Clara isn’t the one to be worried about. My grandmother has a heart condition. “Try not to be charged with treason.”

A hand clamps on my shoulder, and I find Jonathan standing next to me. “You’re going to let that fox get away, Alexander. Although it doesn’t look like you’re hurting for tail.”

Clara smiles tightly, but we both manage to bite our tongue. When it comes to a man like Jonathan, it’s best not to engage.

“Don’t be vulgar,” I tell him.

“It’s all in good fun. I’m sure Clara doesn’t mind.” He laughs off my concern and continues out the door toward the stables.

I turn, expecting to find that Clara very much minds, but her attention is pinned on the latest arrival to the dining room. I don’t bother sparing Pepper more than a passing glance.

Rather, I hook my arm around Clara’s waist and lean to kiss the delicate spot behind her ear. “I will see you soon, poppet.”

I leave before the urge to throw her over my shoulder and carry her back to bed can take hold.

Edward catches me at the door. “David’s going with you. Try to keep him from getting shot.”

“Clara’s staying here,” I mutter. “Keep the vultures at bay.”

We clap hands on each other’s shoulders in silent promise before I continue outside. It makes me feel better to know he’s there with her, even if she slipped through his fingers the last time I left her in his care.

“I thought you were going to make us wait,” my father greets me with an icy glare. “I sent Manfred to wake you this morning, but he said you were already gone. I had no idea the walk from the North Wing took that long.”

I hook my foot in a stirrup and swing my leg over. Once seated, I urge the Arabian into a steady trot before answering him. “I didn’t sleep in the North Wing.”

“For fuck’s sake,” he growled in a low voice, leading his horse into step beside me, “there are expectations—”

“Fuck your expectations,” I shot back, pressing my heel slightly into the stallion’s side to increase my speed.

My father matches me. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing? You’re going to destroy that girl like you destroyed—“

But I’m already leaning forward, guiding my horse into a

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