X: Command Me through Alexander's Eyes - Geneva Lee Page 0,80

require any more assistance? I can send a valet up?” Manfred asks as they disappear from sight.

“I haven’t needed anyone to help dress me in years.” I stride off in the direction of the family quarters as Edward appears in the hall.

“I thought you might have changed your mind.” He swirls a glass of Scotch.

“I should have,” I admit to him, looking around to be sure we’re alone. “They put her in the fucking south wing.”

Edward snorts. “Geography never stopped you. I still remember you trying to explain it when father caught you sneaking across the grounds at dawn when you were eighteen. I believe you said you’d been out for a run.”

“I had been exercising.” I smirked, trying to remember whose bed I’d been visiting that night. In truth, those times all blurred together. It had probably been one of my sister’s friends. “Sarah’s friends were always good for a little overnight aerobic activity. This is different, though.”

Edward fell into step beside me. “You didn’t really expect them to make you two a bed? Why have thirty guest rooms if you don’t use them?”

“She’s not a guest,” I bite out. “She’s my girlfriend.”

“I’m aware,” he says dryly. “Honestly, I’m shocked you got her here at all. Father’s been on a rampage all day.”

“I didn’t give him a choice.” I cast a meaningful look at my brother. “Sometimes, you have to take what you want and say sod the consequences.”

“Let me know how that goes for you.” he says with a bemused smile, taking a sip. “Speaking of what I want, I better go back. I left poor David with them.”

At least, everyone plays along with Edward, pretending not to know about his secret romance. That means that while he and David are miserable at these things, they aren’t targeted. I have no idea how my father will punish Clara for being here, but I expect the others will be just as bad.

“Edward,” I call before he gets too far. “Help me keep an eye on her?”

“She’s really important to you, isn’t she?” he asks.

I hesitate, uncertain how to answer that. If anyone might understand loving someone you can never have, it’s him. I settle for nodding.

“Will do. I haven’t been asked to join the hunt, so I will shield her as much as possible.”

“Thank you.” I stalk toward my room, finding it exactly as it’s always been. Apart from the lack of dust, there’s no sign that anyone’s stepped foot in here. No waiting bags. They’ve been unpacked already, I assume. Crossing to the wardrobe, I find a suitable change of clothes and begin to undress.

I have a part to play this weekend, my suit is the costume, and everyone around me is an ally or antagonist. It’s tradition to take a weekend in the country each summer, everyone ready to flee the heat of the city. But I know better than to think this will be an escape. I’ve walked Clara into hell itself. Who knows how badly we’ll get burned?

Chapter Thirty

I lounge in the hall, hoping to catch Clara before anyone else does. When she finally emerges, she steals my breath from me. There is something effortless about her. She’s not trying to impress anyone. She is simply beautiful. Her navy gown skims along her curves, pulling my thoughts in indecent directions and bringing out her blue eyes. It reminds me a little of the dress she wore that first time—in the lift. Thankfully, it’s not that exact same dress, or I’d already have her against the wall. “Poppet?”

She sighs as I find my way to her side. I hate that I’m not the one making her make those sounds. “Save those for me.”

“I’m not allowed to sigh?” she asks sharply.

“Oh, I insist that you sigh.” I lower my lips to her jaw and whisper the words across her skin. “And whimper and moan when I’m fucking you. I demand it. I’m a selfish man, and those noises belong to me.”

“I’d be happy to comply.” She grabs my suit jacket, and I’m struck by how forward she’s becoming, channeling the possessiveness I display toward her back at me. I rather like it.

I have to pull away to keep myself from carrying her off to a room, locking the door, and not leaving the bed the entire weekend. It’s what I want. I don’t want to waste time on the simpering idiots that finagle invitations to the country every year, but I also need to prove a point.

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