The Wrong Highlander (Highland Brides #7) - Lynsay Sands Page 0,88

stop there, however, but then licked his way back up the trail, cleaning her neck, her chin and then her lips before he gave her a quick, hard kiss.

“Sweet,” Conran murmured, lifting his head and watching her through sleepy eyes as he clasped her hips and drew her forward to rest her lower body against his.

She could feel the effect his actions had on him when his hardness rubbed against her through her tunic and his shirt. Evina wasn’t surprised. Having his tongue rasp its way across her skin to her lips had affected her as well. Her nipples were now tingling and hard, and a dampness was pooling low in her belly, and seeping lower to prepare her for the invasion it hoped was coming.

But Conran didn’t do anything more at first. He merely stood still, watching her, their bodies pressed together, letting her know that he wanted her, but not doing anything to satisfy the need mounting between them. It was Evina who finally made the first move. She offered him her peach.

Conran blinked when she held it up to him, and then his eyebrows rose and he accepted it. The moment he raised it to his mouth to take a bite, Evina reached for the loose neckline of her tunic and tugged it down off first one shoulder and then the other and let it slide off her arms. It didn’t fall to the floor, but caught just below her waist where their bodies touched, but it was enough. She was bare from the waist up and the sight made Conran’s eyes widen and burn. It also made his erection harden further between them, she noted, and then was distracted when Conran lowered the peach and rubbed the juicy fruit over the nipple of her now-bare, uninjured breast.

She blinked in surprise at the suddenly wet nipple as cool juice gathered into a drop at the tip and dangled briefly. Just before it would have dropped, Conran caught Evina by the waist, lifted her to sit on the table and bent his head to catch the drop of sweet liquid before it fell.

Evina bit her lip and clasped his shoulders as he drew her nipple into his mouth and laved the rest of the juice away. When he straightened, and made as if to kiss her, she stopped him with a hand on his chest and then tugged his shirt up. Conran immediately set the half-eaten peach on the table beside her and helped, catching the hem of the shirt she’d lifted and tugging it up and off over his head.

By the time he finished, Evina had grabbed the peach. He grunted in surprise when she ran the cool fruit over one of his nipples, but didn’t stop her as she then closed her mouth over his muscled chest and sucked the pebbling nipple between her lips.

Conran uttered another surprised grunt, and clasped her head with one hand as she did it, and Evina smiled and then nipped at his nipple, before releasing it and turning to apply the same treatment to his other one. When she finished and raised her head to meet his gaze, there was a somewhat bemused expression on his face.

“What?” she asked uncertainly. “Did ye no’ like that?”

“Aye, much to me surprise I did,” he admitted in a growl, and took the peach from her. “Take off yer tunic.”

Evina raised her eyebrows at the demand, but caught the tunic where it had gathered around her waist, and lifted it off over her head. She then let it drop to the floor and lifted her chin to peer at him. Waiting to see what he did next.

What he did was offer her the peach back. Evina hesitated, half expecting him to move it away when she reached for it as she recalled his trick with the cherry in the clearing, but he didn’t. He let her take it and murmured, “Ye should finish it. Ye need to rebuild yer strength.”

Evina narrowed her eyes. There was something about his expression that made her suspicious, but after a moment, she raised the peach and took a bite. The moment she did, Conran lowered his head and began to nuzzle her ear. Closing her eyes, she chewed and swallowed and took another bite, her head tilting and a moan humming in her throat as he nipped her earlobe and kissed her neck. When she was down to the pit, he straightened and gestured toward the tray on Copyright 2016 - 2024