The Wrong Highlander (Highland Brides #7) - Lynsay Sands Page 0,22


“What?” she asked with alarm. “But he had a whole saddlebag full of weeds. He—”

“I fear they were lost this morn when one of the lassies knocked it over while changing me bed linens,” her father said, raising himself up so he could turn to look at her. “Unfortunately, they got mixed in with the rushes and had to be disposed of.”

“But . . .” Evina turned a blank expression to him. “I was here when they changed the linens. I do no’ recall—”

“I only noticed after ye left the room,” he said easily. “I had the maid clean it up when she returned with me emptied and clean bedpan. Ye’d left by then,” he added with a shrug, letting his head drop again. “Regardless, he ca no’ heal without his medicinals, so ye’ll have to take him out and help him hunt up more.”

Evina frowned, and shifted on her feet. Avoiding looking at the Buchanan, she finally said, “Fine. I’m sure Gavin can take him out to—”

“Nonsense,” her father interrupted at once. “The lad does no’ ken the first thing about weeds and where to find them. Besides, I have another job for him.”

“But . . .” She cast around desperately for an excuse, and then held up the tray. “What about the nooning meal? I was going to eat with ye and ye should no’ be left alone—”

“Tildy can sit with me,” he interrupted again.

“Tildy?” Evina said with amazement. Her father generally avoided any situation where he might have to be alone with the woman for more than a couple minutes. The maid had been mooning after him for years and her father acted like her affection might be infectious, avoiding her like she was a leper, and yet this was the second time he’d willingly arranged for her company.

“Aye. Tildy,” the Maclean said firmly. “That way, ye can go without worrying.” Apparently, thinking the situation was decided then, he lifted his head and turned to look at her cousin. “Gavin, go down and ask Cook to pack a lunch for yer cousin and the Buchanan. They can take it with them and eat as they hunt for medicinals.”

“Aye, Uncle.” Gavin headed out of the room at once, casting Evina an apologetic look as he went. He seemed to know she was not pleased with this turn of events.

“Rory, lad, why do ye no’ go ask Donnan to speak to the stable master to arrange for yer and Evina’s horses to be saddled,” her father suggested now. “I’d have a word with me daughter.”

“O’ course.” The Buchanan grabbed his empty saddlebag and turned to leave the room.

Evina frowned after him. The man had been smiling. She hadn’t seen him smile in . . . well, she didn’t think she’d actually seen him smile once since encountering him in the clearing five days ago. At least, his expression whenever he’d seen her the last four days had been hard and closed . . . ever since that kiss here in this room when she’d acted such a tart, she thought on a sigh.


Blinking her thoughts away, she glanced to her father uncertainly.

“Come. Set the tray down on the bedside table,” he instructed solemnly.

Mouth tightening, Evina did as he ordered. She eased the tray onto the table, carefully pushing the few items on it across its surface with the tray itself until they all fit on it.

“Now, sit for a minute,” he said when she’d finished the task.

Again, she did as he asked, but Evina eyed him warily. He was definitely up to something. She just had no idea what.

“I want ye to be on yer best behavior this afternoon,” he said quietly.

Evina stiffened. “What do ye mean? I’m always on me best behavior,” she muttered, wondering if he knew about the kiss.

“Are ye wearing braies under yer gown?”

That question caught her by surprise. “Aye. Why?”

“Because ladies do no’ wear braies, ride astride or carry swords,” he said grimly. “Take them off.”

“What?” she asked with amazement.

“Ye heard me. Take them off. Right now,” her father said firmly, and when she just stared at him, he raised himself up slightly and turned to scowl at her. “I’m closing me eyes and counting. The braies had best be on me bed by the time I reach ten and open them again.” The Maclean then actually closed his eyes and began to count.

Evina stared at him blankly until he reached three, but then jumped up and quickly yanked her skirts up to reach Copyright 2016 - 2024