The Wrong Highlander (Highland Brides #7) - Lynsay Sands Page 0,12

best that me father is being deprived o’ his daughter’s presence? He is ailing and needs me,” she said plaintively.

“He needs the Buchanan more just now,” Tildy said solemnly.

Evina grunted in response as they started across the great hall. The tables were still full of people enjoying their repast.

“And ye could do with food and a rest,” Tildy continued as they started walking along the trestle tables. “Why do ye no’ sit down? I’ll order the bath and ask Cook to prepare ye a meal. Ye can eat and then retire and rest a bit.”

“I’m no’ hungry. Or tired fer that matter,” Evina growled, which wasn’t completely true. While she wasn’t hungry, she was a touch tired. Much less tired than she’d been when they’d finally arrived here, but her blood was up and a lot of her exhaustion had been chased away by her anger.

“Well, the Buchanan said ye were to do both or he’d leave,” Tildy reminded her firmly.

Evina turned on her with dismay. “Surely he did no’ mean that?”

The maid nodded solemnly. “I think he did. He said he has no desire to look after ye as well as yer father do ye make yerself ill, and I was to see ye ate and rested or he would leave.”

“He acts as if he thinks he can order me about!” Evina snapped furiously.

“He can,” Tildy said firmly. “Unless ye’re willing to risk his leaving and no’ tending yer father?”

Hands clenching at her sides, Evina growled under her breath, and turned to walk to the high table.

“That’s me good lass,” Tildy said with obvious relief. “Ye just relax a bit. I’ll go order the bath fer yer father, and have food sent out to ye.”

Evina dropped onto the bench at the high table with a disgusted mutter. She disliked being told what to do at the best of times, but being ordered about by the Buchanan just rubbed her nerves raw. No one had mentioned in the many tales about him that he was a dictatorial bastard. It was always about how wondrously skilled Rory Buchanan was, and how he was a miracle worker, snatching the ill and ailing back from the jaws of death, and returning them to health. He’d practically been painted a saint by those she’d spoken to, but Rory Buchanan was no damned saint. He was rude, mean, uncaring and thought so highly of himself he believed he had the right to order her around. To blackmail her into doing as he said.


Evina glanced up to blink in surprise at the maid waiting for her to sit up so she could set down food and drink. It was only then that Evina realized she’d rested her elbows on the table to prop up her chin with her hands. Sighing, she sat back and smiled wearily as the woman set a trencher of beef and roasted vegetables, as well as a cider, before her.

“Do no’ fret, m’lady,” the maid said encouragingly. “The laird’ll get well now the Buchanan is here. He’ll be up and about in no time. Ye’ll see.”

“Aye,” Evina said, forcing a smile. “I’m sure he will.”

Beaming, the maid nodded and hurried away, leaving her to her meal.

Evina watched her go, and then glanced around the tables, noting the way the people of Maclean were casting glances both her way and toward the stairs leading up to the bedrooms where their laird lay in his sickbed. No one approached her though, and she was grateful for it. She wouldn’t be good company just now anyway, Evina thought, her nose twitching as the scent of the food that had been set before her reached it. The beef smelled good. Delicious. Especially after more than two days with naught but oatcakes and apples eaten on horseback.

Sitting up a little straighter, Evina retrieved her sgian-dubh , pulled the trencher closer and began to eat.

Chapter 3

Conran leaned forward to check his patient’s forehead again, and was rather proud to note that the fever, while still present, was much reduced. The Maclean was only a little warmer than he should be. The man’s color was also better, his cheeks pink, but not as flushed as they’d been when he’d first seen Fearghas. Both were good signs and Conran hoped they meant that he’d got all the infected flesh when he’d cleaned the wound he’d found while bathing the old man in the cold bath he’d sent for.

He’d had Donnan and Gavin remain to help him bathe the man. It Copyright 2016 - 2024