The Wrong Highlander (Highland Brides #7) - Lynsay Sands Page 0,102

and moving through the battling men toward one with long ginger hair and peach fuzz on his face. He was about Gavin’s age, or a year younger, but hadn’t developed as quickly. He was also a good distance from where she’d been standing with the women, and little Bearnard on the edges of the practice field with her father’s horse and dogs. They had all been waiting at the tables in the great hall for the men to go take a look at the dirty clothes and shorn hair they’d found. Evina had wanted to go with them and be in on any discussion that followed. However, she had been ordered to stay behind by both her father and Conran, who had said it at the same time as if they shared a mind. The order had frustrated and angered her, and normally Evina would have ignored it and followed them up anyway.

Unfortunately, the trip down the stairs had been exhausting. So much so that she’d had to stop to rest halfway down, holding up the other women as well as Dougall and Rory, who had followed them. She had just finished gasping out a refusal to Dougall’s offer to carry her the rest of the way, insisting she just needed a moment’s rest and could manage on her own, when Conran had spotted them on the stairs. He’d immediately rushed up to scoop her into his arms and carry her down the rest of the steps. The man had berated her the whole way to the table for wearing herself out so while still healing. She should still be abed, he’d growled as he’d set her down on the bench and taken a seat beside her.

Of course Evina had still been out of breath from her trek and unable to tell him to bugger off, or explain what they’d found in the bedchamber Dougall and Murine now shared. That had been left to the other women. She’d got to watch the shock and uproar that caused though, and then the men had rushed above stairs, barking at the women to remain at the table with Gavin to guard them.

Evina had never been good at obeying orders. The moment she’d drank the mead that was set before her, and regained her breath, she’d commented that the dogs were pacing and no doubt in need of a walk about outside. When Gavin had then stood to take them out, she’d pointed out that he was supposed to guard them and shouldn’t go without them. While he’d stood, frowning over the matter, she’d stood as well and commented that some fresh air would be nice after being stuck in her room so long. She’d then slid her arm through his and urged him toward the keep doors, calling the dogs to come with them even as the women had all jumped up to follow.

When they’d gotten outside and she’d spotted her father’s horse at the foot of the stairs, Evina had announced she’d like to just go check on how Donnan was getting along training the men in her absence. While the big man was brilliant at training the more seasoned soldiers, the younger ones found his size a bit intimidating and couldn’t retain a thing he said. It was why Donnan had set her to training the younger lads when she was just a girl. He’d been training her at that point. He knew she knew her business, so he’d suggested she teach some of the younger lads, leaving him free to concentrate on training the older ones. As Evina had aged, the ages of the men she’d trained had grown with her.

“I’m going to get in trouble for this, am I no’?” Gavin had said with disgust as he’d helped her up onto her father’s mount.

Smiling at her cousin sweetly, Evina had murmured, “Mayhap. But I think ye owe me after skulking around spying on Conran and me for Da, and then reporting to him what ye saw. Don’t you?”

Gavin had grimaced. “Sorry, Evina. But he’s me laird as well as me uncle, and he gave me an order.”

“Well, before going above with the men, he did no’ order ye no’ to let me ride across the bailey to see how the men are doing in the practice field. Besides,” she’d added. “If we’re quick, we’ll be back before they come below.”

Of course, that had presumed she wouldn’t see that she was needed and decide to help some of the Copyright 2016 - 2024