The WRONG Brother (Love You Forever #1) - Alexis Winter Page 0,46

the last minute, but Piper refuses to go with me. Something about seeing that guy from the other night. Speaking of which, did you get a peek at him while you were there?”

I shake my head. “No, she made me leave before he arrived.”

“Damn, I wonder who she’s seeing. And why is she keeping him hidden? I mean, it’s not like I’m going to chase the guy off.”

I sit on the couch. “If I remember correctly, you’ve chased off all her boyfriends.”

“I know, and looking back, that probably wasn’t a good idea. But they weren’t good enough for her. If she’s hiding this guy, she must be ashamed or something. He’s probably just another loser.”

“Or maybe she wants to get to know him a little better before introducing you two. You know, to ensure you won’t chase this one away too.”

He snorts. “I’ll only chase him off if he isn’t good enough. I don’t want her getting stuck with some unemployed loser who will just use her for her money and sleep with all her girlfriends.”

I shrug, not sure what to say. I need to appear to be on his side so I don’t raise suspicion, but I’m on Piper’s side on this one.

“So, anyway, about tonight?” he asks, raising his brow, blue eyes hopeful.

“Sorry, man. I can’t. I have a business dinner at the Capital Grille.”

“Blow it off!”

“I can’t, Pres. This is a new client. I can’t reschedule our first meeting. I’d lose the chance for sure. I’m sorry, but I’m sure you’ll find someone.” I walk him toward the door, not giving him a chance to argue. At the last second, I push him through it and close it in his face, locking it this time so he can’t walk in again.

I dress in my nicest suit and get a call when the limo has arrived. I go downstairs and climb into the back seat, setting the bouquet of flowers on the seat next to me. For the next hour, I sit and wait as the driver navigates through evening traffic. Finally, the limo arrives at her house, and I grab the flowers to take to the door.

She opens it wearing the dress I picked out. She looks gorgeous. The white dress ends at her knee, the skirt loose and flowing around her tanned legs. The top of the dress has amazing beadwork that sparkles and shimmers when the light hits it. It’s low-cut, but still respectable, and sleeveless, showing off those sun-kissed shoulders of hers. Her hair is beautiful—half pulled back so it doesn’t hide her face, but still long and curled as it hangs down her back. She’s put on makeup, but it isn’t a lot. It’s just enough to highlight her features and showcase my favorite part: her sparkling green eyes.

“You look . . . beautiful,” I breathe out.

She smiles. “Are those for me?” She nods toward the forgotten flowers I’m holding at my side.

“Oh, yeah.” I hold them out and she takes them with a giggle. She brings them to her nose and inhales their scent before grabbing a vase and filling it with water before adding the flowers. Then she smiles as she loops her arm through mine and we walk to the awaiting limo. I allow her to crawl in first, then I slide in behind her. The door closes and we’re alone.

“Wine?” I ask, grabbing the bottle.

“Sure.” She smiles and it steals my breath while making my heart beat harder. “You really didn’t have to do all of this, Calvin. It’s too much.”

“It’s not too much.” I hand her a glass. “It’s perfect. Tonight is all about you relaxing.” I clink my glass off of hers and we each take a sip.

She giggles and says, “We need to figure out what we’re going to do about Preston. He’s driving me crazy. I basically had to kick him out of my house when I told him I couldn’t go to the concert with him. Then he demanded to know the name of the person I’m dating.”

I laugh. “I know. He came by my place too.”

“What did you tell him?”

“That I had a business dinner with a new client.” I take another drink. “What do you want to tell him?”

“Honestly, right now, I don’t want to tell him anything. I like being in our own little bubble, don’t you?”

“I just like being with you, Piper.”

She gives me a small smile. “I just want to be sure of what we’re doing before we tell Copyright 2016 - 2024