Wrapped Up in You - Jill Shalvis Page 0,66


“It’s a turkey, bacon, and cheese club,” Martina told Jasmine reverently after she’d pulled out the sub and examined it. “Nice.”

“I like salami,” Jasmine said.

Kel felt his mouth curve. “I’ll remember that next time.” He started up the path to Ivy’s building.

“I told Ivy all men suck,” Jasmine said, and Kel stopped and looked back.

Martina was bobbing her head in agreement.

Since they were both eyeing him, clearly waiting on a response, Kel nodded. “I agree. All men suck.”

“She doesn’t have men over,” Jasmine said. “Ever. Near as we can tell, she doesn’t let many in. But she let you in.”

“Took some work,” he admitted.

“See that you don’t suck,” she said.

And then they vanished into the shadows.

Kel turned to the building just as Ivy came out of it. She was wearing a soft-looking sweater that hugged her body to midthigh, jeans, and boots, and looked like the best thing he’d seen since he’d left her that morning, limp and boneless, sprawled facedown across her bed.

As if she knew where his thoughts had gone, she gave him a small just-for-him smile and met him on the path.

“I was coming up to get you,” he said.

“No need.”

He pulled her in to him and kissed her. “Is that because you didn’t trust yourself with me near your bed?”

“Or my countertop. Or my shower. Or anywhere,” she admitted freely and made him laugh.

But as they headed over to Remy and Ethan’s apartment building, most of his amusement faded, leaving him with a sudden and raw case of nerves and anxiety.

“What’s wrong?” Ivy asked.


“You’re nervous,” she guessed.

“I said nothing. And I’m not nervous.” But he was wondering why he’d ever agreed to this. The evening was going to be a nightmare, and Ivy would have a front row seat.

She turned to her passenger window. “Now who’s the liar?”

He glanced over at her. She was still looking out the window, her posture stiff, radiating tension, and that was on him. Blowing out a breath, he reached across the console for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I should’ve warned you. When I’m walking into a situation I know isn’t going to be pleasant, I get . . .”

“Quiet and broody?” she asked the window.

“I was going to say I turn into a dick, but that works too.”

She snorted. Still didn’t look at him, but she squeezed his hand back. “Well then, I guess I could also share that when I’m forced into doing something I don’t want to do, I usually bail.” Finally, she turned her head and met his gaze. “Which I believe makes you the better person. Because you might be feeling . . . dick-ish, but at least you’re going. To be there for your sister, for your family.”

“Actually, I’m going because Caleb threatened to hunt me down if I don’t.”

She laughed. “You’re not afraid of Caleb.”

Lucky enough to find a parking spot in front of Remy’s building, Kel turned off the engine and turned to her. “How do you know?”

“Because I’ve seen you. You’re like brothers. He loves and adores you. And I see why he wanted you here.” She paused. “I looked you up. You’ve got an impressive record on the job.”

This had him giving her a second glance. “Do I?”

“You know you do.”

“I work in a small ranching town in Idaho, Ivy. I scare bears out of neighborhood parks. I help rescue runaway horses. I roust drunks off the sidewalks on cold winter nights so they don’t freeze to the benches they’re sleeping on and die.”

“You helped a woman give birth a few months back in a fast-food parking lot. At gunpoint. The place was being held up.”

He gave her a look.

She shrugged. “Blame Caleb. He told Sadie and she told me while we were kicking each other’s ass this morning at the gym. Most people are terrified of bears, drunks, and birthing babies, you know.”

“I had very little to do with the actual birthing part.”

“True,” she said quietly. “But I have a feeling you’d face anything head-on and get through it. And look what happened to you not that long ago.” She set a gentle hand on his side. “You could have died.”

“But I didn’t.”

“But you could have. My point is that you’re fearless.”

He ran a finger along her temple, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear just for the excuse of touching her. “I’m afraid of plenty, believe me.”

“Name one thing.”

Walking away and losing you . . . “My sister’s reaction to tonight, for starters. She

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