Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,58

need you.”

“I’m busy,” he yells, but his grip loosens slightly.

“I swear to god, Blu, if you don’t get the fuck outta my way, I’m gonna beat you. How will that look to everyone, a pregnant woman kicking your ass?” she yells. Cree moves to the door and says something in a low voice to Blu. He steps aside and Anna marches in. I see the slight falter in her step when she sets eyes on me, but she brushes it off and then doubles over in pain, panting hard and squeezing her eyes shut. “I’m in labour,” she hisses.

Riggs puts his hands on his hips and watches her sceptically. “Like last night?”

“No, not like last night,” she hisses through gritted teeth, groaning and rubbing her stomach. “You’d better take me seriously, Finn James, because I am having this baby.”

“Then get comfy and when I’m done here, I’ll call the hospital.”

“I’m serious, Riggs. This isn’t a false alarm.” She doubles over again and cries out.

Cree gently rubs her lower back. “Man, she ain’t messing. She’s burning up,” he says.

“After last night’s performance, I don’t fucking believe her,” snaps Riggs. “Call the doctor, he can come here.”

Anna gets on all fours and rocks back and forth, making funny groaning and panting noises while we all watch warily.

“Riggs, get her to the hospital. I’ll still be here when you get back. Maybe you can come up with a more inventive way to kill me,” I mutter.

“It’s too late,” hisses Anna. “I’m not going anywhere—this baby is coming.” She pants through another pain. “Cree, get Eva and Frankie now. And a towel. Or blanket or something.”

“Great performance, darlin’, but we’re a little busy right now,” says Riggs.

“Shut the fuck up, you moron!” she snaps. “You said you were gonna try and make shit up to me and here I am on my fuckin’ knees in the basement of death.” She cries out again. “I’m gonna have a baby in this cesspit,” she wails. Anna lifts her skirt slightly and pulls her knickers down, slipping them from her ankles.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” snaps Riggs. “What the hell, Anna?”

“You want me to give birth in my underwear? Have you ever done sex ed?”

“Chains is sitting right here,” he growls.

“I’m happy to leave at any time,” I butt in. “Just cut these ropes.”

“You’re not going anywhere. Anna, get up. I’ll take you to the hospital,” says Riggs.

“Didn’t you hear me? I can’t go anywhere. This baby is coming! I bet she’ll be a stubborn ass like her damn father,” she pants. “Born in a prison. Christ, what will I tell her when she’s older? I’m literally bringing life into the world and you’re taking it out. Oh god!” She begins to sob just as the cavalry arrive.

“I told you that it was labour,” says Frankie. “You had that funny look on your face all day,” she adds.

“Not helpful, Frankie, but thanks,” hisses Anna. “I need to push now.”

“Noooooo, no pushing,” says Riggs in panic. “Not in here.”

Anna begins to push. I’ve never seen anything so brutal in my life, and as she begins to pant again, I let out a breath I didn’t realise I was holding. She grips my knee when the next contraction comes and squeezes. I wince, trying not to be a pussy, but fuck, her nails are long. Riggs hates the fact she’s holding onto me and tries to take her hand, but she bats him away. “Get off me,” she growls and he takes a step back. Fuck, she sounds like a possessed daemon, and I wanna step back too.

Frankie crouches behind Anna and lifts her skirt slightly. “Oh my god, Anna, I think the head is crowning.” Riggs moves to look, but Anna grabs hold of him and pulls him down so their faces meet.

“Don’t you dare look down there,” she yells. Her arms go round his neck and she pushes again, screaming.

“Well done. She’s coming,” praises Frankie.

“Where’s Leia? She knows what she’s doing,” pants Anna, looking around.

“She went to bed. She’s upset,” says Frankie. “I haven’t seen her all evening. I’ll get her as soon as we’re done here. You’re in safe hands, Anna. I’ve had two of these.”

“Anyway, she’ll be scared shitless if you get her in here now. Four months and she’s gotta do this,” says Eva with a smile. She glances at me, then Riggs, and cringes. “Sorry.”

Anna pushes again and Frankie shouts words of encouragement. I watch in amazement as Frankie lifts a small, wet baby into

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