Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,49

He disappears into their en-suite bathroom.

“He wasn’t happy I had the light on most of the night,” she whispers and I force a small smile. “Anna mentioned you’re having a baby?” I nod, thinking of good ways to kill Anna. “Congratulations. That’s amazing. You always wear such baggy clothing, I couldn’t tell.”

“I hate all the questions and the judgy stares,” I mutter.

“How far gone are you?”

“Almost five months,” I reply.

“Show me. I love seeing baby bumps. I find the whole thing fascinating,” says Raven. I glance back at the closed bathroom door before slightly lifting my jumper to show my neat little bump. Raven gently places her hand there. It’s the first time anyone’s touched my bump because I always keep it hidden, and for the first time ever, I feel proud of it. “Lose the jumper. Your bump is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” She smiles.

The bathroom door opens and Chains steps out. I drop the jumper back in place, open the new bandage, and begin to wrap it around her head. “Chains, you have to see this,” says Raven eagerly. She lifts my jumper. My hands are busy, but my eyes must convey panic because Raven smiles gently. “Leia, stop being ashamed. Chains won’t judge you and neither will I. Look, Chains, Leia has the cutest bump I’ve ever seen.” Chains’ eyes burn into my stomach. “Anna said you’re not on speaking terms with the father,” continues Raven, oblivious to my discomfort.

I fasten the bandage. “No” is all I say because I don’t want to go into detail. I pack up my mess and step out of Raven’s reach. My jumper falls back into place. “I’ll be back with your meds shortly,” I say and then I leave, letting out the breath I’d been holding as soon as I step out of the room.

I’m in the kitchen measuring out Raven’s meds when Chains comes in. “Show me again,” he mutters. I shake my head and continue to count out the pills. “Show me again,” he repeats more forcefully. I ignore him. If someone comes in, they’d question it, and I can’t take the risk. “Leia, show me!” he yells and I jump in fright.

The kitchen door opens and Vinn saunters in looking calm and relaxed. I smile. It’s nice to see him and he looks pleased to see me too. Diesel is at his heels and I scowl playfully. “Traitor,” I say.

“How’s my favourite girl doing?” he grins, ignoring Chains.

“Good. You?”

Vinn kisses both my cheeks. “We have so much to discuss,” he says. It’s the first time I’ve seen Vinn since my pregnancy became common knowledge. “Finish what you’re doing and come and find me.”

“She was talking with me,” snaps Chains.

Vinn glances at him like he’s only just noticed he’s in the room. “I’ll be here for a few hours. No rush, Leia.” He leaves again with Diesel at his side.

“I’m sick of seeing men fall at your feet,” he growls and I laugh. They’re hardly lining up to take on a pregnant young woman. He tugs the hem of my jumper so that I’m facing him. I stare into his eyes as he lifts my jumper. His large hands go either side of my bump and I bite the inside of my cheek to reign in my emotions. “I can’t pretend this is nothing to do with me,” he whispers. “It’s killing me.”

“I have to take these meds to Raven,” I mutter. His hands fall back to his sides and he nods.

“All of this could have been handled differently,” I add. “But now, it’s too late.”

I enter Raven’s room to find Vinn seated in the rocking chair. “Oh, sorry,” I say.

“It’s fine,” says Vinn. “Riggs asked me to come and talk to Raven about her options once she’s feeling better.” Vinn owns businesses, so it makes sense, but I find it strange that Chains would want Raven to work. I give Raven her different meds. “Are you ready to talk?” he adds. I nod and he follows me from the room.

We find a quiet corner in the club bar. “Gia’s worried about you,” he begins.

“She doesn’t need to be. I’m fine.”

“Should I have the father killed?” he asks seriously, and I almost spit out my drink of water. He hands me a napkin and I wipe my mouth. “It was a joke,” he says dryly. “What do you need? I can get you anything you want.” I smile at his offer. Why couldn’t I fall in

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