Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,47

He pushes his face to mine. “Does he push you about, Leia? Is that what you like?”

I shake my head and try to remain calm. “I’m not getting back with Chains.”

“Even worse, you want to do it alone?” He laughs. “What hope will that kid have with a single, young, biker trash mother looking after it?”

My eyes widen. This is so unlike the Ryan I thought I knew. I’m lost for words. He storms out, slamming the door behind him. I rush over to it and lock it, and my hands shake as I try to secure it. What the hell was that?

The following morning, I tell Anna what happened over breakfast. She stares wide-eyed, just as shocked as I was. “Maybe Riggs should have a word,” she says.

“No. I think he was just upset, and who can blame him? I’ve led him on and I totally deserved his reaction. I blame hormones.”

“You didn’t lead him on,” she protests. “He pushed you to give it a go and he said it was a trial.”

“Yeah, but I knew it wouldn’t work. I was clutching at straws. I wanted to like him, I really did. The thought of doing this alone was scary, but now I’m used to the idea, I know I can do it.”

“I never doubted that for a minute.”

“What about you and Riggs?”

Anna takes a bite of her toast. “He infuriates me. He said I overreact, but I don’t think I do. He never thinks before he speaks. When I’m around him, he ignores me and doesn’t lay a finger on me, but when I move out, he’s sorry and begs me back. I don’t get it.”

“All this back and forth bullshit isn’t good for Malia and Ziggy, though,” I point out.

“I know. I’m lucky Malia is used to moving home. But you’re right, it’s not good for them. That’s another reason I don’t want to rush back to the clubhouse. I want to make sure he’s ready this time.”


It feels good to be back in church with my brothers. As I look around the table, I realise how much I’ve missed these guys. Riggs stomps in followed by Cree. “What's the situation with Raven?” he grunts as he takes a seat at the head of the table.

“She’s improving every day, but she’ll need help when she gets outta the hospital.”

“The problem with Cobra is worse than we thought. He’s forming alliances against the Kings. I think he’s planning something big to bring us down.”

“Like?” asks Blade.

“We don’t know,” mutters Cree. “But he’s got enough unsavoury characters siding with him that we think it's best to go back into lockdown.”

“We don’t know what he’s promising them, but we’re thinking it’s free run of the streets. Some of them assholes have wanted to see our downfall for years,” says Riggs.

“So, you want me to bring Raven to the club?” I ask.

“As soon as,” says Cree. “We can’t afford to waste time.”

I stand. “She’ll need a nurse. Can I bring someone in?”

“No outsiders. Leia can do whatever she needs,” says Riggs, and I exchange looks with Cree. It was bad enough before, but if anyone finds out I got her pregnant . . . fuck, this is dangerous ground. I head out without another word.

Raven is excited when I tell her about the club. I’ve spoken so much about it and she knows it’s nothing like the Manchester charter. I’m at the nurses station signing for Raven’s meds when I hear Leia’s voice and a shiver runs through me. I watch her as she moves about behind the desk, looking for a key she’s muttering about. When she feels me looking, she glances up and her expression darkens. She notices the paperwork before me. “You’re taking Raven home?” she asks and I nod. “I thought she wasn’t well enough?”

“She’s signing herself out of here,” I say. “Have you spoken to Riggs today?”

“He tried to call, but I’m busy working.”

“Maybe you should call him back,” I suggest. “It’s important.”

Leia stares at me for a few seconds and then it dawns on her and she shakes her head. “No,” she snaps. “No bloody way am I going on lockdown.”

“Cobra is getting some kind of army together. It’s not safe.”

“I have work to do,” she huffs. She goes to walk away, but I go after her, taking her by the arm to still her.

“I’ll stay out of your way as much as possible. I promise not to hassle you.”


“Leia, you need to be safe.

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