Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,39

of the shop smiling as I disconnect the call. “I got the perfect bed,” she smiles. “You okay?”

“I gotta do some shit for Riggs. You go home and I’ll be there soon,” I say, kissing her on the head. “And don’t answer the door to anyone.”

I flag down a cab and Raven gets in. “Call me when you’re heading back and I’ll order us some food,” she says. I close the door and as I head off, I feel a slight panic setting in that Raven and I are becoming serious naturally with neither of us acknowledging it and it bothers me.

I head to Bill’s. He’s a tattooist on the high street and he knows everyone’s business. If people are talking, then Bill will know. He greets me with a strong handshake. “Long time no see. You in for some ink?” he asks. I shake my head and he turns to the young guy behind the desk. “Take a break, Tommy.” The guy leaves and I take his seat.

“There’s a guy in town that we don’t want here. Goes by the name Cobra. Manchester accent. Big, tattoos,” I say.

“Not heard anything, Chains. I’ll keep my ear to the ground and call you if he surfaces here. Have you tried Anita’s café? It was full of bikers when I passed an hour ago.”

I head there next, but it’s empty, and Anita doesn’t remember seeing anyone fitting Cobra’s description. I order a coffee and sit by the window, making calls to see if anyone’s spotted him.

After an hour of asking around, I call Raven. I’m gonna be home late if this motherfucker doesn’t appear soon. She doesn’t answer and it pisses me off. She never answers her damn phone the first time, so I try again and leave her a voicemail telling her I’ll be late. Then I head back out and try my luck in the local bars.

Chapter Eleven


Diesel snarls as Blu passes us and Gia laughs. She’s hiding out here to avoid going to dinner with her family to meet her new potential husband. She pats Diesel on the head. “Good boy,” she praises and Blu scowls at her.

“So,” I say, tucking my feet under me. “How mad will Vinn be?”

She pretends to think about it, tapping her chin. “I’d say about as mad as Riggs will be when he finds out about you know what,” she says, pointing to my stomach.

“I’ve decided to move to another country so he never has to know,” I say and she laughs.

“Then take me with you and I’ll never have to marry this arrogant ass who’s been chosen for me.”

“He might be hot,” I say and shrug.

“He might not be. I’m not risking it.”

“Maybe we can convince Vinn to let you marry Blu.” I grin, wiggling my brows. We stare over at where Blu sits at the bar, glaring into a half-drunk beer.

“No way. He’s too moody. Does he even talk, like in sentences?” whispers Gia.

“I can fuckin’ hear you,” he growls without turning to look at us.

“I guess you do talk in sentences. Well done,” says Gia sarcastically.

The door swings open and Vinn fills the doorway. “Oh shit,” I mutter. I’ve never seen him look so mad. “Is it too late to hide?”

“Let’s go, Gia,” he says in a tone that says he’s not to be argued with.

“I should have found a better hiding spot,” she says to me.

“If you don’t wanna go, don’t,” says Blu. Gia’s eyes bug outta her head. Clearly, Blu doesn’t know who Vinn is.

“Gia!” yells Vinn and she moves faster towards the door.

Blu snatches her hand in his as she passes. “Do you wanna go with him?” he asks.

“I . . . erm . . . I . . . ” She looks back at me for help.

“Blu, let her go. Vinn’s her brother,” I say.

“I don’t give a fuck who the hell he is,” he growls and I notice he hasn’t looked in Vinn’s direction once. If he had, he would have seen the pulsating vein about to burst in Vinn’s neck or the way his stance tells me he’s ready to blow Blu’s head off. I rush towards Blu.

“No, seriously, let her go,” I warn.

Blu takes no notice of my pleading tone. His blue eyes are fixed on Gia, who stares back like she’s forgotten what she's supposed to be doing. The click of the gun gets her attention. “I’m not in the mood to deal with idiots today. Let my sister go now!” shouts

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