Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,37

in my direction and I pick up my glass and hold it out for him. “Leia,” hisses Gia and I roll my eyes, slamming the glass back down.

“It can’t be that bad. Just tell us,” pleads Anna.

“I don’t want Riggs or any of the guys to know,” I begin and they both nod. The girls are good at keeping secrets. “Gia did a pregnancy test,” I say and they both smile at Gia. “It was negative,” I add and they frown.

“All five tests were, and the four I’ve done since then,” says Gia helpfully.

“I’m so confused,” groans Anna.

“You’re making this so much harder than you need to,” Gia tells me. I grab Eva’s glass and take a few mouthfuls of the red wine. Fuck it, I need Dutch courage.

“I also did a test. It was positive. I did several and then I went to the doctor and he confirmed it.” I drain the rest of the red wine and then click my fingers like they do in films. Instead of a refill, I get a stony glare from the waiter. I guess it’s not like it is in the movies.

Both women stare at me with their mouths open. “But . . . erm . . . what?” stutters Anna.

“It was a complete shock. I did the test as a favour to Gia because she didn’t believe they worked. Turns out they do.”

Eva gives Gia an accusing glare. “We work together every day and you didn’t tell me!”

“I know, I’m sorry.” She winces. “It was a huge secret and I didn’t want to be the blabbermouth.”

“Have you told Ryan yet?” asks Anna. It’s a plausible conclusion and one I didn’t think about until now.

“No. I don’t want to. He’s about to start his career and I don’t want to hold him back,” I lie. I feel Gia’s eyes burning into me, but I avoid her glare. I’m not ready to confess the truth—I’m not sure I’ll ever be.

“We’re here for you, sweety, whatever you decide,” says Eva.

“How’s things with you and Riggs?” I ask Anna, changing the subject.

“Okay, I guess. He’s busy with club stuff in Manchester, so I haven’t spoken to him much this week. He still doesn’t really acknowledge the pregnancy. I hope that when the baby is here, he’ll feel happier.”

Anna moved back into the club weeks ago, but things haven’t just gone back to normal. Seems they’re still working on things. She places her hand on her bump and I try to picture myself like that, but it’s hard.

I throw myself into work for the next few weeks. Training is so much harder than the written work I did at University, but I love it.

The ward sister is in her office and I tap on her door. She smiles at me and I step inside and hold out a letter. “I have an appointment in half an hour. Can I nip out for it? I’ll be really quick, I promise.”

She takes the letter and glances at it and smiles widely. “Congratulations,” she says. “Of course, you can. The twelve-week scan is important.” I nod weakly. I didn’t plan on telling anyone. I have a tiny bump, but I can hide it under baggier clothing. She seems so happy but I still feel so numb.

My mum insisted I have the scan before making any decisions and so as I make my way to the scan department, I take deep breaths and prepare myself to see this blob for the first time ever. As I round the corner, I freeze. Mum stands and next to her is Ryan. “What’s going on?” I ask.

“Your mum came to see me,” says Ryan. “She told me everything.”

I glare at my mum and she shrugs. “Anna told me. She’s worried about you doing this alone when you really don’t need to. It’s the scan—he can’t miss it,” she says and my eyes widen further.

Before I have a chance to explain, the door opens and I’m called in. Mum and Ryan follow me and take a seat by the bed. I haul myself up on it and lie down as instructed by the nurse. She squirts my tummy with a cold gel and then a screen beside me flickers to life. A grainy image appears and the nurse begins to point out the heartbeat. The room fills with the sound of the rapid beating and I find myself smiling. Despite me being so unsure, I’m relieved to hear the life inside me.

When it’s all

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