Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,33

don’t matter,” growls Cobra. “We do shit different round here. Now you’re here, you need to learn our ways.”

One of the prospects has the woman by her arms. She’s fighting, kicking out and trying to bite him. “This is fucked up,” I growl, standing. Cobra also stands. “Let her go,” I demand.

Cobra roars with laughter. “You’re kidding, right?”

“Kings Reapers don’t condone rape. This . . . ” I point to the woman who is now pinned to the floor by the other prospect. “Is not happening. I’ll kill both of them and then you,” I snarl.

“You need to forget about fuckin’ Riggs and his bullshit nice manners. We’re bikers, not pussies. Now, my boys are gonna hold that bitch down and you’re gonna fuck her until she remembers not to fuck with my club.”

I laugh and then swing my fist into his face hard. He stumbles back and lands on Iron’s lap. Bikers come at me from all directions and I do my best to fight my way against each and every one of them. I throw punch after punch and eventually reach for my knife, sticking it in anyone within reach. I back out of the room, grabbing the hand of the woman as I go. The other men stand back warily, some injured, others poised, ready to attack if I make another move toward them. I get out of the room and pull the iron door closed, sliding the lock across and falling back against the wall, panting.

“You’re bleeding,” cries the woman, holding her hand up to show me blood. I glance down to my side and see blood soaking my shirt.

“It don’t matter. We gotta get out of here before they alert everyone else,” I say. “There’re

members still partying upstairs.”

I’m sure everyone is too preoccupied with fucking and drugs to notice me, but I pick the woman up and wrap her legs around my waist just in case. “I’m gonna kiss you as we make our way through the room,” I whisper. “They need to think we’re sneaking off to fuck. But I promise that you’re safe with me. I won’t hurt you and I won’t let them hurt you anymore.”

She nods her head and some of the worry in her eyes, eases. We kiss and she grinds against me as I carry her through the room. She’s not the only naked woman in here, so apart from being dirty, she fits in. I break outside. There’re still a few brothers hanging around out here smoking and Raven, who glances up and frowns at me.

I head to my bike and Raven follows. “What the hell’s going on?” she hisses.

“I’m outta here. You coming?” I ask.

“Who’s this?” she asks, glancing at the naked woman.

“She needs a lift outta here too. Get on the back of the bike to hide her so I don’t get pulled by the cops.” Raven nods and gets on the bike without hesitation.

Chapter Nine


I have ten missed calls from Riggs. I hit ‘call back’ and press the phone to my ear. “Leia, why didn’t you answer your phone?” he yells.

“I’m at work,” I snap. “My boss doesn’t understand that I have a psycho brother who runs a biker club.”

“Have you heard from Chains?” he growls.

“No,” I say, my interest suddenly peeked. “Why?”

“Something went down at the weekend in Manchester. I’ve just got off the phone with Cobra and he’s looking for Chains. Says he injured a lot of his men for no reason.”

“That doesn’t sound like Chains,” I mutter, more to myself than for Riggs.

“Well, it wasn’t like him to decide to claim a woman he hardly knows and drive off to join another charter without speaking to me, but guess things change.” Riggs is still bitter that Chains left like he did, but I can’t exactly explain the reason why, so I bigged up his love for Dolly even though it killed me inside. “I tried to call and he didn’t answer. Can you try?”

I tried to call him on Friday and he cancelled my call, but I agree to try anyway. I check my watch, and I have five minutes left of my break, so I dial Chains’ number. After the fourth ring, he answers. It surprises me and I choke on my words.

“You okay, Leia?” he asks, his voice full of concern.

“Are you okay? Riggs called me. He said something happened in Manchester and now you’re not answering his calls.”

“Right,” he mutters. “I’ll call him. Things good with you?” he asks.


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