Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,28

She’s a sensible girl—she’ll get the morning-after pill. And it was her first time. I’m sure I’ve read something about not getting pregnant the first time. Or is that a myth? Raven is waiting on my answer. “Why are you asking? Of course I do,” I say.

“Some of the guys don’t like to,” she mutters. “Any one in particular?”

“Jesus, this is all a bit clinical.” I sit down on the bed. “You should have the say in the guys wearing protection, Raven.”

“It’s not worth the shit we get for arguing with the guys,” she says. “Cobra doesn’t like us to refuse the guys. He says we’re here for a purpose.”

“Don’t tell anyone you told me that,” I say. Maybe things aren’t what they seem here.

“So, what do you want?” she asks, reaching for my belt. I still her hands. The moment’s passed.

“Are you here of your own free will, Raven?” I ask.

She nods. “Yeah, I met one of the guys and he offered me a place to stay.”

“What were you doing before this?” I ask.

“I was on the streets, so this is a step up. If we don’t do anything, Cobra will be pissed,” she says, reaching for my belt again. She’s twitchy and nervous.

“He won’t know,” I say. “I’m not gonna tell him.” This seems to relax her and she smiles. “Now, tell me the truth.”

Chapter Eight


It’s been four weeks since Chains left and I miss him. It’s crazy that I feel like this after the way he treated me. Ryan is being so nice and patient, but I think even he’s fed up with my emotional state. He removes the napkin from across his lap and smiles at me. The candlelight flickers, bathing his face in a soft glow. “I booked us a room here,” he says, and my eyes widen. We’ve discussed sex. He still thinks I’m a virgin and I never corrected him because I didn’t want to admit the whole sorry story to anyone, especially not him.

“Erm, Riggs will expect me home,” I say.

“I spoke to him. Told him we were meeting friends for a late party. He was fine.” Riggs would never believe that Ryan would go to any party, let alone a late one. “We’ve been dating for almost six weeks. Don’t you think now is the time?”

“I guess.” I shrug. “I haven’t really thought about it,” I add, and I’m not lying, I haven’t. Since Chains used me, sex is the last thing on my mind.

“Come.” He smiles, standing and holding out his hand. I take it and he leads me through the restaurant to the elevator.

Ryan uses the key card to open a room on the third floor. It takes my breath away. The four poster bed has red rose petals spread over it and candles flicker, lighting the room softly. There’s champagne on ice. “Ryan,” I gasp. “It’s beautiful.”

“Like you,” he says and smiles, placing a finger under my chin and tilting my head back. He presses his lips against mine and I wait for the sparks that never come when Ryan kisses me. “Relax,” he whispers against my lips as he runs his fingers down my arm.

He begins to undress, unbuttoning his shirt and then folding it and placing it on a chair. He unfastens his shoes and places them side by side under the chair. “Leia, undress,” he says.

I nod. Fuck, this is the most unexciting thing I’ve ever witnessed. I’m being a bitch and I shake my head in disgust at myself for being so horrible. Ryan’s sweet and kind. He’s making this nice because he thinks it’s my first time. and looking around this gorgeous room, it’s perfect for losing my virginity. If only I’d have waited.

I slip out of my dress and Ryan takes it from me, folding it. He slips his trousers off and I see he’s excited from the tent in his boxer shorts. He turns to me and his eyes run down my body. “You’re amazing,” he gushes and I blush. “Let’s get into bed.”

We get under the sheets side by side and Ryan props himself up on his side. “Are you ready?” he asks. I nod and he holds up a condom. “Protection.” He grins, ripping open the packet. My brow furrows as I watch him slip the condom on. He hasn’t touched me yet.

I watch as he climbs between my legs and places his hands either side of my head. “I’ll go slow,” he says and proceeds to press his

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