Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,2

backyard. Go surprise her,” she says, placing him back on his feet.

We take turns hugging her. “How are you feeling?” I ask.

“A bit better today. It comes and goes. I never got sick with Malia.” She sighs. “Maybe this is a boy?”

“When’s the scan?” I ask.

“Next week. Are you still coming?” Anna turns to Eva, who nods her head.

“Maybe Riggs will want to go to the scan,” I suggest.

Anna scoffs. “Your brother made it perfectly clear where he stands with this baby.”

“Mum thinks he’s scared because of what happened with him and Ziggy's mum.”

“I’m done with theories and excuses. If he can’t be the man I need, then I’m not interested. We’re better off without him. I did it alone the first time around. Reggie was never there for me and now Riggs is the same.”

“Is your new job okay?” asks Eva, changing the subject.

“It’s fine. Hard work but my boss is really sweet. He makes sure I take regular breaks. I haven’t told them I’m pregnant though.”

“I’m sure the boss takes great care of you.” I smirk. Her boss is the one showing interest in her.

“Please, when he finds out I’m almost three months pregnant, he’ll run a mile,” says Anna with a laugh.

There’s a knock at the door and I wince. I know it’s a Kings Reaper just by the heavy thudding. Anna doesn’t seem to give it a second thought and opens the door without question. She pales when she sees Riggs and Chains. It must be the first time they’ve set eyes on each other since she left a few weeks ago.

“Leia, you took him even though I said no,” Riggs says in that growly voice he uses when he’s mad. He stomps inside without Anna’s permission. “And you didn’t take a minder.”

“I didn’t need one. Besides, Chains was busy,” I say, arching my brow at Chains.

“Get out,” snaps Anna. “How dare you push your way in here.”

“I’ve come to get Ziggy,” he snaps.

“Malia can’t even spend time with her best friend?” asks Anna.

“It’s not good for them when we can’t be around each other. Leia tells me you have a new boyfriend,” he adds and everyone turns to me.

I open and close my mouth, shaking my head. “I didn’t say that,” I protest. “I said she had an admirer. And so what! You think she should wait around here for you?” I ask.

“She’s carrying my kid,” he hisses.

“So now you want to lay claim,” scoffs Anna. “If I can find a man who will take care of me and this baby, then why shouldn’t I go for it?” She’s pushing his buttons. We all know how jealous and possessive Riggs is. Even Chains winces, waiting for Riggs to explode.

“I’m taking care of you. I pay you money each week!”

“I don’t want your guilt money, Riggs. As far as I’m concerned, I am a single parent and I don’t need anything from you.” They stare at each other for a few seconds. The hurt in their expressions is evident for us all to witness and it’s heartbreaking. “Please leave,” she almost whispers. Her hand gently rubs her stomach. There’s no bump there yet, but Riggs' eyes fall to where she rubs. There’s longing in his eyes. Damn, he’s so pig headed.

“Fine, whatever. Leia, go get Ziggy,” he orders. Anna nods at me to do as he asks.


The awkwardness is so intense, the room feels ice cold. I step outside with Riggs and we wait for Leia to bring out Ziggy.

“Shit, man, that was so uncomfortable,” I mutter.

Riggs lights a cigarette. “I need a fucking drink,” he utters.

“What the fuck is wrong with you two? It’s clear you love her, Pres.”

“Sometimes love ain’t enough. You saw what pregnancy did to Michelle. I can’t raise another kid on my own. I don’t want any more kids, she knew that.”

“That’s a ridiculous bullshit excuse. Anna is nothing like Michelle! She’s already a great mum, for a start. You’ll regret not being around for her and this kid. If there’s one thing we know about Anna, it’s she’s a stubborn ass. I mean, she’d rather scrub floors on her hands and knees while pregnant than take your money.”

Riggs scowls at me. “Maybe she ain’t like Michelle. Maybe I lost my mind for a second and overreacted. But let's face it, the damage is already done.”

“No, it ain’t, brother. You could go in there right now and beg her to forgive you and she would. You’re just being a stubborn ass

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