Wrapped in Chains - Nicola Jane Page 0,15

know about this, but bothering him now when he’s trying to clear his head might tip him over the edge.

“I’ll do it,” blurts out nerd boy and the group turn to him, all eyes wide in shock. “I mean, rather than you selling yourself to some overweight, balding man with bad breath.” He laughs nervously.

“I’m not some charity case,” says Leia and then she laughs. The rest of the group join her, but even I can see that this poor guy is in love with her. Leia knows it too because her laugh is awkward and nervous. “I just want it over with,” she adds.

“And why not make some extra cash out of it,” says one of her friends.

“Everyone seems to be doing it but me,” mutters Leia and she looks at me, confirming she heard what her little friend said when we arrived. “Let's stop talking about this. Ears are everywhere around here. I need to dance.”

I watch the group dance. Nerd boy doesn’t join in, but he can’t take his eyes from Leia. Much like myself. When she finally stumbles back from the dance floor, she’s glowing and my chest bursts with pride when she falls against me and not him. “Take me home,” she slurs.

“With pleasure,” I say, smiling at her heartbroken friend.

Leia is so drunk, she falls asleep in the truck the second I strap her in. Back at the club, I scoop her into my arms and carry her up to bed. Feeling her head against my chest does something to me—not just in my pants, but in my chest too. It feels right having her like this. Depending on me. Needing me.

I place her into bed and pull the sheets over her. She stirs and takes my hand. “Don’t leave,” she whispers.

“Get some sleep,” I say, but she tugs harder and grumbles something. “Just for a little while.” I sigh as I kick off my boots, climb onto the bed, and lay next to her on my back. I can’t risk getting up close and personal cos I don’t wanna get caught like this. Leia rolls towards me and smiles. “They think I should sell myself,” she slurs, throwing her leg over mine and laying her head against my chest. “I don’t want to.”

“Then don’t,” I mutter.

“Would you buy a virgin?” she mumbles sleepily.

“No,” I say quietly. “You shouldn’t rush to give it away, Leia. Save it for someone who deserves it.”

“There’s only one man I want to give it to and that’s you, Chains,” she says, pressing herself closer to me. “Because I think I love you.”

My body stiffens, but Leia doesn’t seem to notice as she idly runs a finger up and down my shirt-covered abs. She loves me? Where the fuck did that come from? She doesn’t wanna be an ol’ lady. She wants to move away from the club. I lay frozen as she snores lightly against my chest for an hour. Eventually, I carefully roll her onto her side and slip out of her room.

Chapter Five


I pick at the toast Mum placed in front of me more than ten minutes ago. I know without doubt that if I put another crumb in my mouth, I’m gonna hurl. “Feeling delicate?” Mum smirks.

I wish a hangover was the only thing bothering me today. I inwardly cringe as the memory of what I said to Chains last night floats fuzzily through my mind. As if conjured from my thoughts, he stalks into the kitchen, glances at me, and then stomps back out with a scowl on his face. “What's up his ass this morning?” mutters Mum. I shrug and then casually get up to follow him. I catch him going into Riggs’ office.

“Chains,” I mutter and he scowls harder as he takes a seat behind Riggs’ desk. “Can we talk?”

“About selling your virginity or your little drunken confession last night?” he asks coldly.

“Both,” I say with uncertainty. “I’m sorry,” I add weakly. “I was drunk and I . . . ” I run out of words. I can’t deny that my feelings for him have grown.

“Riggs said you can date,” says Chains, and I suck in a surprised breath. It’s not what I expected to hear. “I had a chat with him early this morning. He agrees that you’re old enough to make your own choices, and as long as I know where you are and who you’re with, he said you can date.”

“Oh.” It’s the only thing that falls from my

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