Worth It - Lisa Oliver Page 0,71

has a whole vineyard complete with a mansion for him and Ali and their babies.”

Paulie narrowed his eyes at his mate. “Has this house buying idea turned into a dick measuring contest with the other gods? They all live in huge mansions when they’re on earth, so we have to have one even bigger?”

“Not at all.” Zeus looked affronted Paulie even suggested it. “I just feel there might be times when we want to entertain, or have visitors stay, and those people would prefer to have their own wing of the house, or a suite of rooms to be comfortable in. You’d like a studio, wouldn’t you? I’ll need a computer room. And then there’s our library which is another room, and…”

“Two kitchens?” Paulie pointed to the listing showing on the main screen. “Twelve-car garage, stables, a tennis court…”

“We could learn to play. Sport is healthy.”

“Do you even have a car or a license? Why would anyone need a twelve-car garage?” Paulie sighed, shaking his head.

“Someone who had twelve cars?” Zeus shrugged and the twinkle in his eyes increased along with the pressure of the hand on Paulie’s hip. “Honeybuns, I haven’t lived on earth in eons. There’re so many new toys available now we could play with. And we can hardly live in a three bed in the suburbs, can we? Your tiger would never be able to come out and what about when our little one is born, and he starts throwing thunderbolts around?”

“You’re assuming our child is going to take after you.” Paulie had a strong suspicion he was going to lose this discussion. “A tennis court, though, really? Do we have to have such a big house? We’ll get lost in it.”

“The pillars on the front façade remind me of Olympus.” Sliding his arms around Paulie’s back, Zeus’s face got closer. “It’s not as though you ever have to worry about housework, or cooking meals, and there’s a lovely private park area included that has huge oak trees perfect for your tiger to play in. The nearest neighbor is miles away. It’ll be our secluded hideaway, yet close to amenities.”

“What about heating a place that huge?” Paulie tried one last time to be practical. “The utility bills would be enormous and you and I both hate the cold. It’s in Upstate New York for goodness sake and it can get really cold up there.”

“The winters will be so cozy.” Zeus crooned in his ear. “Underfloor heating, a huge hot tub in the ensuite bathroom, fireplaces in all the living areas and thick velvet drapes to shut out any draft from those lovely big windows. Imagine it, my sweetness. Imagine waking up in our bed of clouds, with a roaring fire in the grate, and hearing the wind howling and the rain lashing the windows outside. Snug as a bug in a rug, or a tiger in his den. Just you and me…”

Paulie shivered as Zeus licked up his ear. “You’ve already contacted the agent, haven’t you?” He moaned quietly.

“We have an appointment to meet him in two hours.” Cupping his jaw, Zeus turned Paulie’s face. His lips were right there and suddenly Paulie really didn’t care what house Zeus wanted to buy. “It would make me so happy, little one, and we’d be safe there, you have my vow.”

“I don’t need you to promise me things like that. I’m safe with you wherever we live,” Paulie said with a chuckle. “If two kitchens, a twelve-car garage and a freaking tennis court will make you happy, then fine. But if it doesn’t feel like home, then I reserve the right to say no. Agreed?”

“You’ll love it.” Zeus closed the distance between their lips before Paulie could say anything else. Paulie had a good idea how they’d fill the two hours before the viewing.


Zeus knew he was trying his mate’s patience with his choice of what Paulie might consider lavish houses, but in his head, he was making a compromise. He’d allowed Paulie to talk him out of the impressive Scottish Castle on the Solway Firth with its seventeen bedrooms and secluded beach access, as well as the ten-bedroom chateau for sale in Aquitaine. He’d ignored the historical castles like the cute little six-bedroom castle for sale in Siena in the Tuscan countryside, or the fifteen bedroom one built in gorgeous stone in Languedoc-Roussillon. He’d guessed, correctly, that Paulie wasn’t ready for a move outside of the United States, so he settled on looking for houses of a

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