Worth It - Lisa Oliver Page 0,40

with an expiry date, Zeus thought bitterly. It was never meant to be forever.

Chapter Thirteen

“You look a bit rough.” Paulie jolted as Nathan slapped him on the shoulder. “Did you go out and have my bachelor night for me?”

“Studying.” Paulie pulled his game face on. He’d been standing on the courthouse steps for ten minutes, determined not to let his depression ruin Nathan’s day. “You’re looking good.” He waved at Nathan’s pale gray suit. “Very smart.”

“My mom insisted on it.” Nathan tugged at the collar of his shirt. “I’m sure she bought the shirt a size too small on purpose.”

“Well, don’t fiddle with it.” Paulie managed a smile. “Did you get your new place all set up and ready?”

“Yep, all done. Very basic, but what can I say.” Nathan shrugged. “It’s a start and it’ll be our own space. Sue Ann, sorry, Suzanna is already making plans for improving the place. The Sue Ann thing was a bit of a joke, you know, among the boys. I used to tease her about having such a snobby name, but she explained how much it hurt her, me not even respecting her given name, and I realized what a doofus I was being.”

“I did wonder about that, but the fact you’re willing to listen to her is huge. You’ll have a very long and happy marriage,” Paulie said warmly, noting how the bond Nathan had with his fiancé was still showing, even when Suzanna wasn’t around.

“I hope so.” Nathan hopped from one foot to the other, looking around. “Your friend the other day seemed to think we’d do all right. By the way, where’s your boyfriend? Couldn’t he make it?”

It was Paulie’s turn to shrug and he hoped he pulled off the casual look he was going for. “I’m not sure we’ll be a couple much longer. He travels a lot, and some of his values aren’t… you know. We’re not a good fit. But it’s all good. Today’s all about you. Have you got a ring?”

“Yep.” Reaching into his pant’s pocket, Nathan pulled out a battered box. “It’s not new.” He handed it over with a sheepish smile. “But it fits her, and Suzanna says she loves it.”

Opening the box, Paulie blinked away his tears at the sight of the simple gold band. It was a bit worn, but the love shining from it was visible, at least to Paulie. “It’s lovely.” He went to hand it back.

“No, no,” Nathan said. “You hang onto it. That’s the best man’s job, looking after the ring.” He hopped from one foot to the other again, looking up and down the road. “Do you think she’ll come? The registrar lady said we had to be ready to go in the office at eleven sharp.”

“She’ll be here. It’s only ten to now. Look.” Paulie pointed to a car pulling up to the pavement below. “Is that her?”

“Oh, my god, it is.” Nathan ran his fingers through his hair and tugged on his tie. “How do I look? Do I look all right? How’s my hair?”

“Did you ask me that just because I’m gay?” Paulie laughed and took Nathan by the arm, pointing him down the stairs. “You look fine. Deep breaths and then go and take her arm. Everything is going to be perfect. She loves you. Any fool can see that.”

And I’m the fool in question because I can see it. Suzanna’s dress was an elegant sheath of cream material that hugged her perfectly and someone, probably her mother, had braided up her hair which was adorned with a simple flower. Getting out of the car, she looked around, as nervous as Nathan had been, her face splitting into a beautiful smile as she caught sight of him.

At least they’ll be all right, Paulie told himself firmly, putting thoughts of any future happiness for himself out of his head. Plastering on a smile, he was ready with an outstretched hand to greet Nathan and Suzanna’s parents and a blushing bridesmaid who looked as though she’d repurposed a prom dress for the occasion.

Keeping an eye on his watch, Paulie said brightly, “Come on everyone, we don’t want to be late. Let’s get this wonderful couple married.”

The service was short and sweet, the vows basic. It took just five minutes for the two young individuals to become man and wife until death would part them. Then there were hugs and kisses all round, before they were ushered out of the office, so the space could be

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