A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,99

your charge to the princess."

"Just Dominic, Lord Wendel." Dominic replied, returning the bow. "Here is the princess' guest; his name is Jake."

Dominic turned to Jake. "This is Lord Wendel, the Royal Chamberlain. Don't be fooled by his grandfatherly appearance; he may be the most powerful man in the kingdom. Not only does he have continuous access to the king, he knows all of the royal secrets."

"You give a humble servant too much credit, Dominic." Wendel said, chuckling. "I must say that we have missed you at court."

"I cannot say that I have missed court life, Wendel, but you were always kind and helpful to a foolish young man." Dominic replied seriously. Jake could see that the Dominic's sentiment was honestly held.

"You honor me, Dominic." Wendel said, giving Dominic another bow. "I should take young Jake to the princess now. Do not worry, Dominic, I will make sure he is cared for."

"I just need a final word with my charge, then I will leave him in your capable hands, Wendel. If you will excuse us?" Dominic replied, indicating the need for some space. Wendel gave Dominic a smile and shuffled several paces away, leaning on his cane.

Dominic turned to Jake, leaning in close, face serious. "Be careful, boy." He said softly. "Remember what Jonas told you; there may be other agendas here. Don't commit to anything. If you are directly asked to do something, simply tell that person that you need to discuss it with Jonas or myself first. Understood?" Jake nodded his assent. "After your visit, go back to the house and change into suitable clothes for our training session this afternoon. Just keep your eyes open and wits about you when you are alone."

Dominic stepped back and said in a normal voice, for Wendel's benefit, Jake was sure. "Be respectful to the princess; never forget that how you conduct yourself reflects on me. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Dominic." Jake said, trying to sound chastised.

"He is all yours, Wendel." Dominic said as he turned and left the palace.

"Come, young Jake." Wendel said kindly. "We should not keep the princess waiting."

His cane tapping on the floor, Wendel led Jake down several marble-floor hallways, then up a flight of wide stone stairs with polished wooden rails. The stairs ended at a large landing with several corridors leading off from it, with Royal Guards stationed at each entrance. Wendel led Jake down the center corridor, nodding to the guards as they passed. They came to open hall, with paintings and wall hangings lining the walls, sofas and chairs providing seating and windows at the ends that let in the outside light. In the wall across from the corridor, a set of large wooden double-doors were closed. Wendel went across to the doors and rapped on them with his cane.

"Who is it?" A female voice asked from the other side.

"Lord Wendel, with the guest of the princess, a young man named Jake." Wendel replied.

One of the doors opened to reveal a young woman, dark haired and pretty, dressed in the livery of the palace. She smiled and gave a quick curtsy to Wendel. "Thank you for bringing him, Lord Wendel. I will escort him to the princess from here."

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Jake." Lord Wendel said, patting Jake on the shoulder. "I hope you enjoy your visit." He gave the young woman a wink and headed back down the corridor.

"Hello, Jake." The young woman said with a nod of her head. "I am Nataly, personal assistant to the princess. Please follow me." She gestured through the doors.

Jake entered into a brightly painted room, with high ceilings and paintings and flowers decorating the room. There were several other doorways along the walls, leading to other rooms, no doubt. Across the room, opposite the doors Jake entered, was another set of ornately carved double-doors. Nataly went over to those doors, lighting knocking on them.

"Yes?" Jake could hear Keria's muffled voice come through the doors.

"Jake is here, Your Highness." Nataly replied.

The doors opened and Keria strode in from the other room. Jake caught a glimpse of a large bed before Nataly closed the doors, flushing a bit when he realized that was Keria's bedroom. That was quickly forgotten as Keria approached with a smile on her face. She was dressed in a green silk dress that highlighted her beautiful eyes. The dress was somewhat low-cut and it clung to her figure, emphasizing her body. Jake was mesmerized and could not take his eyes off her.

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